Who needs Mercedes Benz Fashion Week when there is STYLE! IT! TAKES!...?
Instead of posing in front of the logos of Berlin Fashion Week's international brands and companies, partly being part of the ugly arms industry providing dictatorships and militias all over the world, for this time I had the idea to create a STREET GLAMOUR PHOTO WALL for our lovely event. Consisting of our STYLE! IT! TAKES! logo and black stars as a sign of both protest, unity (the five continents) and dark glamour it should offer the possibility to catch the beauty, style and glamour of our lovely guests. In wonderful cooperation with photographers Eve Lumière & Lux Artifex from Atelier 'et Lux' (mentioned with their logo as well) phantastic pictures of our beautiful guests have been made during the whole evening.
A first selection.

Thea Adora Bauer from DEGENEROTIKA fashion label & exhibiting artist Slavica Veselinovic (Shąvi Ląvi)

Jasa & Thea from DEGENEROTIKA fashion label & exhibiting artist Slavica (Shąvi) & Manuele

Jasa Gladez from DEGENEROTIKA fashion label & Manuele

Sheila Wolf (The Teaserettes) & model Sinteque (www.feisty-cat.com)

Sheila Wolf, artist Marco Goldenstein & model Sinteque

Maria (EN Finsternis) & Boris from the Hot-Wave band The Wings of Desire

Strey Katt

Kersten (Curator of STYLE! IT! TAKES!) in DEGENEROTIKA fashion (dress, harness & shoes)
& Pezi from the DOLLBREAK label
Kersten with a DOLLBREAK dollhand chain & Pezi from DOLLBREAK

Kersten, Pezi & Marco, who helped with her DOLLBREAK booth

Photographer Eve Lumière from Atelier 'et Lux'
Night of Fashion, Performances, Arts & Music
- Re-Thinking PUNK! -
Berlin Fashion Week 17th of January 2014
Urban Spree
A big thanx also to Eve & Lux from Atelier 'et Lux' for their lovely engagement.
More pictures in STREET GLAMOUR PHOTO WALL part II.
All photos by
LUX ARTIFEX / Fotoatelier 'et LUX'
Watch all released pictures of our STREET GLAMOUR PHOTO WALL in the album of Atelier 'ex Lux' Facebook-Page (and don't forget to like it! ;-)).
Watch all released pictures of our STREET GLAMOUR PHOTO WALL in the album of Atelier 'ex Lux' Facebook-Page (and don't forget to like it! ;-)).
Eine sehr sehr tolle Idee, leider habe ich die Gelegenheit verpasst... Sollte unbedingt beibehalten werden <3