First, after the Transgender Fashion Show, NÄD MIKA's Cassandra-Video had it's world première, and it was screened in the uncensored version! :-) Containing some BDSM-like scenes between me and Näd Mika's live dancer ANITA, the video got censored to be shown on stupid-nude-policy-platforms like Facebook or YouTube later... But our guests had the whole fun of this amazing video made by filmer Katha Gramke, cutted by Susi Hecht and performed by Kersten and Anita...
I love Näd Mika's song and the video filming gave me a chance to wear some extravagant outfits, mainly out of my personal wardrobe, and to make some hidden links to some STYLE! IT! TAKES! blog & project related clothes and accessories (books, fanzines, posters, hula-hoop-ring...)...
Our photographer Jarka Snajberk caught the stage situation during the first screening of Cassandra
at Urban Spree
at Urban Spree
Our guests loved the video as much as we do... ♥ ... here are some first screenshots of this beautiful film:

So for all readers under the age of 18 years (do I really have blog readers aged under 18?) and for people a bit sensitive with nudity and BDSM, here's the censored version as you can see it freely also on YouTube:

One of the deleted scenes: Anita and me wearing some of my high heeled favourites
And since unfortunately I don't know how strict Blogger is with these pictures and I'm a bit afraid that they might delete ALL my work here... (has somebody experience with this? Once I had this blog rated containing sensitive stuff for minors, but then before you see anything on my blog you have to click an agree button and that seemed very stupid in my eyes, especially since this text is not translated into the languages of the worldwide users, so it caused lots of confusion only)
... I just link to Vimeo where you can see the amazing uncensored version (highly recommended by me, everything is consensual and it contains no violence at all):
Have fun!!!
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