"this place was a shelter.." (2014)
From the series 'In Bloom' by photographer Bella Kotak
Model: Lulu Lockhart
[English translation below]
Wie versprochen
geht es heute weiter mit unserem wunderschönen Regenbogen aus Bildern von 'Blumenmädchen' in floraler Mode, farbenfrohen Make-ups, blumigen Accessoires. Wir fahren dort fort, wo
wir aufgehört haben und suchen zunächst die blaue Blume. Dann kommen verschiedene Schattierungen von Violett & Lila sowie Rosa (als zweite, gegenüber dem klassischen Regenbogen hinzugefügte Extrafarbe nach Weiß im ersten Teil) und via Fuchsia / Magenta schließen wir den 'Blumenkreis' zurück zu Rot. Nachdem der erste Teil ein so großer Erfolg bei meinen lieben Leser*innen geworden ist, kann ich versprechen, dass es heute ebenso wunderbar wird wie beim letzten Mal! ♥
Dass es etwas länger gedauert hat, lag vor allem daran, dass ich neben der ohnehin schon schwierigen Auswahl der allerschönsten Photos im Kontext mit meinem (nicht nur Farb-) Konzept mal wieder endlos damit beschäftigt war, die Quellen von ohne jegliche Angaben in sozialen Netzwerken und Photoblogs kursierenden Arbeiten herauszufinden und die Photos in möglichst originalem Zustand (Ausschnitt, Auflösung & Schärfe, Farbgebung usw.) auszugraben, was eine ziemlich zeitraubende Arbeit ist. In unserem Qualitätsblog gibt es jetzt also (soweit verfügbar) neben Angaben zu den beteiligten Künstler*innen und Details zur Veröffentlichung auch photographisch wieder die 'Originale' in voller Blütenpracht!*
Ein besonderer Dank geht an meine Social Network-Freund*innen, die dabei mithelfen, dass ein solcher, mit viel Liebe und Arbeit erstellter Post auch im Netz gefunden wird und an unsere atemberaubenden (auch diesmal mehrheitlich weiblichen) Photograph*innen, Models, Make-up-Artists, Hair-Stylist*innen und – last but not least – Mode-Designer*innen. Ihr seid großartig! Dankeschön, und hier kommt der zweite Teil meines 'Potlatch'-Geschenkes an Euch:
Blumenliebe & Blumenküsse
unermüdliche Detektivin
* Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel und es lässt sich leider auch nicht
alles herausfinden. Das gilt oft besonders für die Namen der Models und
anderer Beteiligter – diesbezüglich verhalten sich viele Photograph*innen nämlich leider oft nicht besser als die meisten Web-User*innen... :-(
As I have promised, today we continue with our beautiful rainbow composed of pictures of 'flower girls' in floral fashion, colorful make-ups, flowery accessories. We continue where we have stopped and first search for the blue flower. Then come various shades of violet & purple plus rose / pink (as – compared to the classical rainbow – second added extra color after white in the first part) and via fuchsia / magenta we close the 'flower circle' back to red.
After the first part has become such a big success among my dear readers, I can promise that it will be just as wonderful today as last time! ♥
That it took a bit longer was mainly caused by the fact that – beside the already difficult enough selection of the most beautiful photos in the context of my (not only color) concept – I have been endlessly busy once again with finding out the sources of works circulating without any credits in social networks and photo blogs and digging up the photos in the most available original condition (crop, resolution
& sharpness, coloration etc.) which is an extremely time-consuming work. So, in our quality blog now here are – beside, if available, informations about the participating artists and details about the release – also photographically the 'originals' in full bloom again!*
A special thanks to my social network friends who are helping to spread such a post (made with much love and work) in the web and to our breathtaking (also this time mostly female) photographers, models,
make-up artists, hair stylists and – last but not least – fashion designers. You are marvelous! Thanks a lot,
and here comes the second part of my 'potlatch' gift to you:
Flower Love & Flower Kisses
sends your
tireless detective
* Exceptions confirm the rule and unfortunately not everything can be found out. Often that goes especially for the names of the models
other participants – as on that score many photographers sadly behave often not better than most of the web users... :-(
In Search of the Blue Flower

Text & photo via @MissVampire_Li (account from Japan)
Looking for the blue flower in #blue #floral #lingerie & #hairflowers
Photo via Best of Lingerie - Blue Lingerie @simplylingerie.tumblr.com & sugarless-sugar.tumblr.com

Photo by Svetlana Belyaeva (Светлана Беляева)
Looking for the blue flower in #blue #floral #lingerie & #hairflowers
Photo via Best of Lingerie - Blue Lingerie @simplylingerie.tumblr.com & sugarless-sugar.tumblr.com

Photo by Svetlana Belyaeva (Светлана Беляева)
Fashion/Wedding/Portrait/Art-nude Photographer
Moscow, Russia
Moscow, Russia
#Blue #Flower & #Fashion #Dreams #blue #floral #dress
Blaue Kornblume * Blue cornflower

Photographer unknown
Sonja & Me in the Royal Blue Silk Dress & the Black Blume Dress

by Vilorija Fashion (Paris)
~ "Blume" (Flower) Summer Collection 2014 ~
photographed by Benjamin Lippke (House of Rough Arts)
photographed by Benjamin Lippke (House of Rough Arts)
in the Volkspark am Weinbergsweg / Berlin
The studio shoot to the right shows the lovely details on the rear view of the
The studio shoot to the right shows the lovely details on the rear view of the
Royal Blue Silk Dress by Vilorija Fashion

"Engulfed in Blue" by Karina Chernova (Moscow)
Model & MUAH unknown
Manchmal müssen wir also weit reisen, um die blauen Kornblumen zu finden. Dabei hätten wir auch in Berlin bleiben und einfach auf meinen Balkon gehen können... (^.^)
Aber immerhin habe ich so ein neues Lieblingsblumenmädchenphoto gefunden! ♥
So, sometimes we got to travel far to find the blue cornflowers. And yet, we could have just stay in Berlin and step on my balcony... (^.^)
But, anyway, I have found a new favourite flower girl photo this way! ♥
So Many Shades of Blue & Violet
"I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain"
~ Prince * RIP 21. April 2016 * – Purple Rain ~

Photo by Kareva Margarita*, Ekaterinburg (Russia)
Fashion & Fairytale Photographer
* She's often called Margarita Kareva (I guess, that's her real name), but, anyway, she names herself Kareva Margarita:
Model & designer of this #beautiful #purple #floral #dress unknown

Model Cailin Russo from San Diego, California
Photoshoot by Fashion Photographer (Charles) Lucima (2013)
Violetter Fliederrausch
Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time?"
~ The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Purple Haze, 1967 ~

Photo by Svetlana Belyaeva (Светлана Беляева), Model unknown.
Photoshoot by Fashion Photographer (Charles) Lucima (2013)
Purple Lilac Haze
"Purple haze, all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me...
You got me blowin', blowin' my mindDon't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me...
Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time?"
~ The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Purple Haze, 1967 ~

Photo by Svetlana Belyaeva (Светлана Беляева), Model unknown.
Moscow, Russia
In lila Lilien schwelgen
„Und warum sorget ihr für die Kleidung? Schaut die Lilien auf dem Felde, wie sie wachsen:
sie arbeiten nicht, auch spinnen sie nicht."
(geklaut aus der Bibel, Mt 6.28, Luther Übersetzung 1912)
"Arbeitet nie!"
(Lettristische Internationale, 1954)
„Und warum sorget ihr für die Kleidung? Schaut die Lilien auf dem Felde, wie sie wachsen:
sie arbeiten nicht, auch spinnen sie nicht."
(geklaut aus der Bibel, Mt 6.28, Luther Übersetzung 1912)
"Arbeitet nie!"
(Lettristische Internationale, 1954)

Revel in Purple Lilies
"Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.
They don't toil, neither do they spin."
(stolen from the Bible, Mt 6.28)
"Never Work!"
(Lettrist International, 1954)
~ ::: ~ #Purple #lily #lips #Fashion #Dreams #Purple #Haze #MakeUp ~ ::: ~
Photo by Oriana Layendecker (O R I A N A P H O T O)
Fashion & Beauty Photographer (New York)
Model (strangely) not credited.
Makeup Artist:
Makeup Artist:
Kathy Aragon (Washington, District of Columbia, US)
Blonde into the Lavender Fields

Jumping into the lavender fields
#purple #dress #lavender #Provence
Model & photographer unknown.
via @Itasha75

Blonde Braut im Hochzeitskleid mit Flechtzopf, Strauß & Himbeeren im Lavendelfeld
Blonde #bride in #wedding #dress with #plait, #bouquet & #raspberries in the #lavender #field
#Provence #romantic #purple #sunset
Photos by Sofia Andreevna
MUAH: Ravina
MUAH: Ravina
via Twitter @MsRyan8 & Ravina Make-Up Artist

Photo by Olena Kucher
Model & Fashion Designer of the wonderful dress & giant hairflower unknown.
Model & Fashion Designer of the wonderful dress & giant hairflower unknown.
Funny Kisses, Glitter & Butterflies and (slightly misleading) signature added by
Percepciones Visuales
Percepciones Visuales
Photo via petitelionnedu80.skyrock.com
La Vie en Rose
⊰ Édith Piaf, 1945 ⊱
⊰ Édith Piaf, 1945 ⊱

Another favourite:
Photo by Kareva Margarita, Ekaterinburg (Russia)
Name of the beautiful model & designer of the gorgeous dress unfortunately unknown
#Romantisches #Rosa #Kleid - #Romantic #Pink #Dress
#blumiger #Spiegel - #floral #mirror
Die Blumenliebe wird natürlich nicht nur draußen in der Natur zelebriert, sondern auch in den Innenräumen...
Of course, the flower love is not only celebrated in natural surroundings, but also in the interiors...

Model & Actress Hermione Corfield (she played the record shop girl in "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)" and plays Gabrielle 'Gabbe' Givens in "Fallen" (release: September 2016))
Photographer unknown
Model Janet Emmrich in *Welcome To The Doll House* – A Dangerous Liaison with Janet Emmrich
by Mark Nicdao (Photo), Make-up by Jen Delica, Hair by Celeste Tuviera.
in: ROGUE Magazine (The Style & Design Issue, Philippines Sept. 2011)
Mit Blumen-Haarreif, Tutu & viktorianischem Korsett
In den heimlichen Gärten Kanadas
With Flower Alice Band, Tutu & Victorian Corset
In the Secret Gardens of Canada

Though this beautiful picture is shared quite often on social media, fashion or corset pages,
it actually was one of the most difficult to find out more about it.
But 'detective Magenta' finally detected everything I wanted to know:
Model Grace Okeny by George Dimitrov Photography (11 August 2014),
wearing a flower Alice band, a #ballet #pink #tutu and a gorgeous
handcrafted #rose #pink #Victorian #style #floral #lace #satin #corset by La Belle Fairy.

In order to show some further details of this great outfit and Grace Okeny's beautiful poses, hair & make-up, exceptionally I put together three more photos by George Dimitrov
and even slightly cut the left (from below) and the one in the middle (from the sides) a bit. ;-)
and even slightly cut the left (from below) and the one in the middle (from the sides) a bit. ;-)
~ #sexy #fairytale #pink #tulle #tutu #Victorian #Edwardian #vintage #satin #corsetiere
#tightlacing ~
About the label La Belle Fairy:
Victorian style corsets and clothing for the modern Victorian vixen
made with
love in the Rocky Mountain region of BC (British Columbia), Canada by
corsetiere Jenny Frank"
Jenny's online shop:
Melancholie * Melancholia

More of my Fashion Dreams: #pink #roses #skirts & #dresses ❀ #floral #crown ♔ & #softpink #tutu ❀
is from the Rosegarden series (partly published in Lux magazine December 2011) by

Photo above & the one to the right below by Svetlana Belyaeva (Светлана Беляева), Moscow, Russia
Models & Designers unknown.
Models & Designers unknown.
Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Blumenmädchen immer glücklich sein müssen?
Who says that flower girls always got to be lucky?

More of my Fashion Dreams: #pink #roses #skirts & #dresses ❀ #floral #crown ♔ & #softpink #tutu ❀
Die Blumenkronen-Königin (Photo links) ♔ The Flower Crown Queen (photo to the left)
* Learning Russian with STYLE! IT! TAKES!:
* Learning Russian with STYLE! IT! TAKES!:
is from the Rosegarden series (partly published in Lux magazine December 2011) by
Фотограф * Photographer: Ekaterina Belinskaya * Екатерина Белинская
Portrait | Fashion | Art photographer, born 1988 in Moscow, Russia.
ekaterinabelinskaya.com * http://avine.deviantart.com/
Модель * Model: Maria Kalinina * Мария Калинина
MUA Arina Artemova * Арина Артемова
Hair Anastasia Khricheva * Анастасия Хрычева
Модельер * Fashion Designer: Victoria Prokhorova * Виктория Прохорова
@ Большой Розарий, Сокольники * Bolshoi (= big) Rose Garden, Sokolniki (Moscow)
ekaterinabelinskaya.com * http://avine.deviantart.com/
Модель * Model: Maria Kalinina * Мария Калинина
MUA Arina Artemova * Арина Артемова
Hair Anastasia Khricheva * Анастасия Хрычева
Модельер * Fashion Designer: Victoria Prokhorova * Виктория Прохорова
@ Большой Розарий, Сокольники * Bolshoi (= big) Rose Garden, Sokolniki (Moscow)
Magenta macht Schluss...
Sexy Fuchsia & Magenta
Magenta breaks up...
Foxy Fuchsia & Magenta
"After the rain comes the rainbow"
Taylor Swift - Just Let It Go (2012)

Taylor Swift #magenta & #indigo #floral #dress #flowers
~ Country & Pop Singer Taylor Swift for Teen Vogue 2011 ~
Both photos via StarLight-Style Blogspot

Taylor Swift #magenta #pink & #red #striped #pullover #flowers
Wusstet Ihr, dass jede der Farben der unter anderem von der LGBTQ-Bewegung benutzten Regenbogenfahne eine Bedeutung hat? Bei der im Original von 1978 achtfarbigen LGBTQ-Fahne von Gilbert Baker steht Rot für „Leben“, Orange für „Gesundheit“, Gelb für „Sonnenlicht“, Grün für „Natur“, Türkis / Hellblau für „Kunst“, Indigo / Königsblau für „Harmonie“, Violett für „Geist“ und Fuchsia / Magenta für
„Sexualität“. Umso verwunderlicher, dass bis heute die ursprünglich aus sehr pragmatischen Gründen verschwundenen Farben Magenta (mangelnde Verfügbarkeit von bezahlbarem Stoff für die Massenproduktion, da Textilien in der Farbe Magenta / Hot Pink 1978/9 noch nicht industriell hergestellt wurden) und kurz darauf aus rein organisatorischen Gründen auch das Türkis (um wieder eine gerade Zahl zu erreichen) verschwunden sind... (im Detail).
In unserem 'Blumengirl-Regenbogen' sind – ganz im Sinne der Vielfalt und des 'Community'-Geistes – nun wieder alle vereint! ♥
Did you know that any of the colors of the rainbow flag used by the LGBTQ movement (beside others) has a meaning? In the original LGBTQ flag by Gilbert Baker from 1978, consisting of eight colors, red symbolizes „life“, orange stands for „health / healing“, yellow for „sunlight“, green for „nature“, turquoise/light blue for „art / magic“, indigo/blue for „serenity / harmony“, violet for „spirit“ and hot pink/fuchsia/magenta for
„sexuality“. Even more surprising that up to today the colors Magenta and Turquoise – which initially both have been removed only out of very pragmatical reasons – have disappeared: in the case of Magenta due to an unavailability of affordable hot-pink fabric for the mass production in 1978/9, and shortly afterwards also Turquoise disappeared because of purely organisatorial reasons in order to reach an even number again... (in detail). In the sense of diversity and the spirit of the community, in our 'flower girl rainbow' now all are united again! ♥
"I grow weary of this world! When shall we return to Transylvania, huh?"
LGBTQ icon Magenta in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, 1975

Photo by Svetlana Belyaeva (Светлана Беляева)
Model, MUA & Designer unknown.
#Magenta #colored #dress #stripes #beauty #roses
Model, MUA & Designer unknown.
#Magenta #colored #dress #stripes #beauty #roses
Flower Power

Photo by Amanda Pratt for the Fairy land Editorial in KAREN MAGAZINE #12 (July 2011)
Swim Suit by Lakes And Stars, Bloomers from Early Halloween, Shoes from Nine West, Skirt from J. Mendel
Nach mehr als 50 traumhaft schönen und atemberaubenden Photos von Künstler*innen, Photograph*innen & Models aus fünf Kontinenten haben wir unseren wunderschönen Blumenregenbogen hiermit dennoch nur scheinbar 'geschlossen' – es gibt auch kugelrunde Vollkreis-Regenbögen! Und da sich Regenbögen mit den Betrachter*innen mitbewegen, können wir ohnehin nie zum Ende des Regenbogens gelangen...
Hier geht's also wieder von vorne los: Blumenmädchen ⊰1⊱...
After more than 50 gorgeous & stunning photos by artists, photographers & models from five continents, still it only seems that we herewith have 'closed' our wonderful flower rainbow – there are spherical full-circle rainbows, too! And since rainbows move with its viewers, we can never reach the end of the rainbow anyway...
So here it starts again from the beginning: Flower Girls ⊰1⊱...
Hier geht's also wieder von vorne los: Blumenmädchen ⊰1⊱...
Die Reise war einfach wunderbar!
Flower Power & Grenzenlose Blumenliebe!
Kuss Kuss
After more than 50 gorgeous & stunning photos by artists, photographers & models from five continents, still it only seems that we herewith have 'closed' our wonderful flower rainbow – there are spherical full-circle rainbows, too! And since rainbows move with its viewers, we can never reach the end of the rainbow anyway...
So here it starts again from the beginning: Flower Girls ⊰1⊱...
The journey has been simply wonderful!
Flower Power & Flower Love Without Borders!
Kiss Kiss
Related Posts:
Die blaue Kathedrale des Schuhfetischismus (The Blue Cathedral of Shoe Fetishism)
Contains a lot of gorgeous blue dresses & other blue fashion (Feb 2016)
An enchanting photo shoot in Russia (Feb 2016)
Fashion dreams & fairy tales in white (May 2015)
Berlin photo shooting with a beautiful blue silk dress (Aug 2014)
Beautiful flower collection from Paris fashion label VILORIJA (June 2014)
#Flowers & #UrbanGardening
Erste! (April 2016)
Beautiful photos from my Berlin balcony (July 2015)
Über Waldmeister. About Woodruff. (May 2013)
Gärten der Welt (Gardens of the World)
Photo story from a wonderful inernational garden park in Berlin (August 2012)
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