Dreaming of STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 3 at Chalet Club Garden (May 2013)
Finding a suitable location for STYLE! IT! TAKES! is one of the most difficult, but sometimes also most interesting tasks of every event. Since with us it should never get boring, for the July Berlin Fashion Week I decided on a very summerly setting - as intimated already at the end of our Manifesto - and found an almost magical place for our shows in the enchanting garden of the CHALET club in Kreuzberg...

Der Chalet Club von der Straße aus / The Chalet Club from the street
Letzten Sommer hat sich ein Teil der ehemaligen Bar25-Crew dem 1850 erbauten, denkmalgeschützten Sternenhaus vor dem Schlesischen Tor angenommen (früher war hier das "Heinz Minki") und es zu einer angesagten Kulturstätte umgewandelt.
Chalet is a
club owned by former Bar25 crew members. It's housed in the center of Kreuzberg
in a 150 year-old building, which "radiates the warm atmosphere of the
19th century."

Der Chalet Club hat sogar eine eigene Bushaltestelle / Chalet Club even got its own bus station (Bus 265 (N65) > S Schöneweide: Heckmannufer)
It's also close both from U 1 Schlesisches Tor and S 41/42 Treptower Park (located in the middle of these stations)
Night time at Chalet garden
Impressions from our urban exploration, 23rd of May 2013...
... where we fell in love with this garden...
Everything fashion bloggers need... great music, tobacco, beer, a cigarette holder, whiskey, a diary, a camera and - a pond! (^.^)
Der kleine Teich / The little pond
Archive pictures of Chalet Club Official FB

Fashion needs motion...
Mode braucht Bewegung...
We'll all meet at
Summer Evening of Fashion, Performances & Music
Sa 6 July 2013
Join the event on Facebook
CHALET Club Garden
Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 3
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
xxx ♥♥♥ xxx
Hidden Game for the Dr. Who fans: Who's my favourite compagnion? How many hints are hidden about this in this post? And most obvious: what else do fashion bloggers need (it's on the table...!!!)? First to answer all 3 questions (no correct answers requested!) get free entrance... ♥
Hidden Game for the Dr. Who fans: Who's my favourite compagnion? How many hints are hidden about this in this post? And most obvious: what else do fashion bloggers need (it's on the table...!!!)? First to answer all 3 questions (no correct answers requested!) get free entrance... ♥
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