Such a cool gang: red & black dressed / dotted DJ NÄD MIKA & DJ STEVE MORELL and multi-coloured Argentinian musician Pato (PATOKAI) & milliner Yan (YAN HATS), the latter both wearing VIBRADIOS fashion @
Berlin Fashion Week, 12th of July 2014
PANKE Club / Berlin-Wedding
[English below]
Lasst uns für einen Moment annehmen, STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 zur Berlin Fashion Week Juli 2014 wäre die letzte Veranstaltung dieser Art unseres schönen Projektes gewesen - und es gibt durchaus eine ganze Menge guter Gründe, die dafür sprechen.
Was für eine zauberhafte Geschichte wäre das gewesen? Nach zwei Jahren und fünf Nächten der Mode, Performances & Musik, von denen eine wunderschöner als die andere war? So schön, dass - müsste ich mich entscheiden - ich mich niemals für meine Lieblingsveranstaltung entscheiden könnte!!! Ok., ich finde, die letzten vier (!) Veranstaltungen waren besser als die erste - und auch da gab es schon unvergessliche Highlights, und gerade diese hat alles Weitere auf den Weg gebracht und deutlich zu unserer Profilierung beigetragen, mit vielen Lerneffekten auch im Sinne, was wir nicht wollen, worauf wir aufpassen müssen, was großartig war und mit wem, wie und wohin wir weiterreisen wollen... :-)
Was für ein schönes Ende also wäre das? Wie immer in einer tollen und überraschenden Location, mit einem Programm sieben höchst unterschiedlicher Mode-Labels (mehr denn je und auch internationaler denn je), wundervoller Shows, Performances und Konzerte, mit Musiker*innen, Tänzer*innen und Performer*innen, die zusammen Mode-Designs inszenieren und - nebenbei gesagt - sich über diese Zusammenarbeit (wie die meisten anderen Beteiligten aller Veranstaltungen bisher) überhaupt erst kennenlernen... ♥
Let's assume for one moment, STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 for Berlin Fashion Week
July 2014 would have been the last event of this kind of our beautiful project - and indeed there are quite a few good reasons speaking for that.
What an enchanting story would it have been? After two years and
five nights of fashion, performances & music, of which one has been more wonderful than the other? So beautiful that - if I would have to decide - I never could decide for my favourite event!!! Ok., I think, the last four (!)
events have been better than the first one - and also there have been unforgettable highlights, and especially this one has driven forth everything else and has strongly contributed to our profile, with many learning effects also in the sense of what we don't want, of what we have to keep an eye on, what has been great and with whom, how and whereto we want to continue our journey... :-)
So what a beautiful end would that be? In a terrific and surprising location again, with a programme of seven highly varying fashion labels (more than ever and also more international than ever), wonderful shows, performances and concerts, with musicians, dancers and performers who stage together fashion designs and -
by the way - even get to know each other through this cooperation at all (like most of the other participants of all events so far) ... ♥
The final announcement?
Milliner & designer Yan Xcess wears one of her YAN HATS and VIBRADIOS fashion (all from Buenos Aires / Argentina), performer & dancer EN Finsternis also wears a headpiece of YAN HATS and a dress by V I A N Fashion (Berlin), musician Pato from PATOKAI (like Yan) wears VIBRADIOS Fashion (both Buenos Aires) and curator and moderator Kersten (Berlin) wears the Black Blume Dress of VILORIJA Fashion (Paris)
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week, 12th of July 2014
PANKE Club / Berlin-Wedding
Ein wunderschönes Ende
Ist es nicht
das, was STYLE! IT! TAKES! immer wollte - das Feiern und Inszenieren
von Mode in einem lebendigen Raum, die vollständige Fusion
verschiedenster Kunstformen, Lebensrealitäten und Styles in einem
liebevollen Setting mit bezaubernden Gästen und einem spannenden, nicht
in jedem Detail vorhersehbaren Programm? Es wäre ein wundervolles Ende -
so wie die allererste Show vor zwei Jahren, Clea Cutthroats gymnastische Fräulein Kink-Show mit Zarkoff
live (bis heute eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsshows in einem
Zauber-Kaleidoskop von Lieblingsshows) ein wunderschöner,
explodierender Champagner-Korken war für all das was kommen sollte. Und
es kam noch viel! Und das allerallermeiste davon war wie ein wunderschöner Traum... ♥♥♥
Gedanke ans Aufhören ist also verlockend - und so ist es mehr als gut,
dass nach dem Ende des Bühnenprogramms, das ich Euch hier in Artikeln
und Photo-Strecken vorgestellt habe, noch nicht einmal unsere letzte
Veranstaltung zu Ende war! Es kamen ja noch weitere tolle DJ-Sets
unserer phantastischen und wunderbaren DJs FRAU RICA, STEVE MORELL und
NÄD MIKA ♥♥♥ ... und auch ich habe schließlich noch Entspannung gefunden... (^.^)
NÄD MIKA in her furious outfit on her way to Wedding..... ♥
PANKE afternoon garden photo by our Vilorija model Tingting Wu
A beautiful end
it just what STYLE! IT! TAKES! always wanted - the celebration and staging of fashion in a vivid space, the complete fusion
of various art forms, life realities and styles in a lovely setting with charming guests and an exciting, not in every detail predictable programme? It would be a wonderful end -
just like the very first show two years ago, Clea Cutthroat's gymnastic Fräulein Kink show with Zarkoff
live (up to today one of my absolute favourite shows in a
glamour kaleidoscope of favourite shows) has been a wonderful,
exploding cork of champagne for everything what was to come. And
there was much to come! And the very very most of it has been like a wonderfully beautiful dream... ♥♥♥
So the thought about to cease is tempting - and so it is more than good that, after the end of the stage programme which I have introduced to you here in articles and photo series, not even our last (latest)
event has been over! Since there were further great DJ sets to come by our phantastic and marvellous DJs FRAU RICA, STEVE MORELL and
NÄD MIKA ♥♥♥ ... and also me finally found relaxation... (^.^)

Some of our gorgeous artists, DJs, musicians and fashion designers united:
Nora Below (participating artist of STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 1-4 who just came back from her holiday), Näd Mika, Steve Morell, Pato (Patokai) and Yan Xcess (Yan Hats)
Now later both Pato and Yan wore these beautiful love skull shirts / tops by VIBRADIOS fashion from Argentina. Mostly don't liking skulls - this is the nicest way of wearing them I've ever seen in my life!!!
L'amour éternel
Abschied nehmen
Tragischerweise gab es später in der Nacht aber auch einen (nicht nur für mich) dramatischen Abschied. Unser reizender Besuch aus Argentinien, Yan Xcess von YAN HATS und ihr Mann, Pato von PATOKAI, mussten irgendwann los. Und zwar für sehr sehr lange. Sie waren schon länger in Berlin gewesen, aber in all dem Vorbereitungsstress hatte ich sie leider kaum sehen können - übrigens ein Grund, warum ich ans Aufhören denke. Nun endlich wäre vielleicht Zeit gewesen, in den Tagen danach gemeinsam schöne Dinge in Berlin zu unternehmen! Aber die beiden fuhren schon am nächsten Morgen weiter nach Amsterdam, später nach Barcelona - PATOKAI auf Europa-Tour... Da viele von uns die beiden schnell ins Herz geschlossen hatten, war es also Zeit für Abschiedsphotos. Glück im Unglück - so wurden wenigstens auch unsere DJs Steve & Näd und unser "Best Girl" Inka noch abgelichtet (Dank der lieben Tania von Fotania Photography)! :-)
DJ Frau Rica ist hier leider nicht zu sehen, da sie zu der Zeit die tolle Musik aufgelegt hat... aber, um es kurz zu machen, STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 war eine bombastische und sehr schöne Veranstaltung, von den Anfängen bis zum Ende spät in der Nacht! ♥
Wave goodbye
But tragically (not only for me), there has been a dramatic parting later at night, too. Our lovely visitors from Argentina, Yan Xcess from YAN HATS and her husband, Pato from PATOKAI, eventually had to run. And namely for a very very long time. They have been in Berlin already a bit longer, but with all the stress of preparations, unfortunately I rarely could see them - incidentally one reason why I think about cessation. Now finally, maybe there would have been time to do beautiful things together in Berlin in the days after! But the two drove already on the next morning ahead to Amsterdam, later to Barcelona - PATOKAI on Europe tour... Since many of us have taken the two of them quickly into their hearts, it was therefore time for good-bye photos. Luck in bad luck - leastwise in that context our DJs Steve & Näd and our "best girl" Inka have been pictured, too (Thanx to lovely Tania from Fotania Photography)! :-)
DJ Frau Rica sadly is not to be seen here, since at that time she played the wonderful music... but, to cut it short, STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 has been a bombastic and very beautiful event, from the beginnings to the end late at night! ♥

High time to thank our 'best girl'!!!
Pato from PATOKAI, designer Yan Xcess (YAN HATS), Best Girl Inka San, DJ Näd Mika & me
Letzte Worte
Schön zu sehen war auch die Freude von Pato & Yan, Näd Mika und Steve Morell einmal persönlich zu treffen, da sie verrückterweise von beiden schon in Argentinien gehört hatten. Und Pato ist tatsächlich schon seit längerem NÄD MIKA-Fan - die Kunde von ihrer großartigen Musik hat also bereits Buenos Aires erreicht!!! :-) So ergab sich ein schönes Nacht-Gespräch zwischen uns über die Schwierigkeiten und Vorteile eines Daseins als Underground-Künstler und das Organisieren von Events wie STYLE! IT! TAKES! in Berlin oder dem CIRCO ELÉCTRICO in Buenos Aires... Pato hat mir zum Abschluss noch sehr liebe und einfühlsame Worte mit auf den Weg gegeben, die ich hier zwar nicht zitieren möchte, aber im Kopf und Herzen weitertrage... und Yan hat mir zum Abschied ein so bezauberndes Geschenk gemacht, das so schön ist, dass ich darauf ein ganz anderes Mal eingehen möchte...!!! ♥♥♥
[die Geschichte geht weiter ♥]
Last words
Also nice to see has been the joy of Pato & Yan to meet Näd Mika and
Steve Morell personally, since funny-wise they had heard about both of them already in Argentina. And Pato actually is a fan of NÄD MIKA since a longer time - the message of her great music indeed has reached Buenos Aires already!!! :-) So a beautiful night conversation arised between us, about the difficulties and advantages of an existence as an underground artist and about the organisation of events like
STYLE! IT! TAKES! in Berlin or the CIRCO ELÉCTRICO in Buenos Aires... At the end, Pato gave me very kind und
empathic words to take along, which - though don't wanting to quote them here - I carry further in my mind and heart... and Yan has made me such an enchanting farewell present, which is so beautiful that I want to come back to it at a completely other time...!!! ♥♥♥
[the story continues ♥]
... and a long & phantastic night @ PANKE Club
Men's fashion designer, long-time STYLE! IT! TAKES! supporter & doors team helper Jenny from KNOTH KOUTURE dressed up and looked so beautiful that I'm super happy that our photographer Benjamin Lippke catched her in the nightly yard! ♥♥♥
[unfortunately, there is no picture of beautiful Jule, the third lovely helper of our wonderful entrance team - she dressed up and looked as wonderful as the other two... *Love, Thanx & Kisses to you, Jule!!!*]
[unfortunately, there is no picture of beautiful Jule, the third lovely helper of our wonderful entrance team - she dressed up and looked as wonderful as the other two... *Love, Thanx & Kisses to you, Jule!!!*]
Credits, benediction & curtain call
Art installation in the nightly yard of PANKE Club / Installation inside the club
Photos by House of Rough Arts & model Tingting Wu
STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 has been a lovely cooperation of
PANKE Club & Garden
Erika Siekstelyte and Justas Rudziaskas and all the rest of your lovely crew...
It was such a pleasure to work with both of you and to create something wonderful in your great & phantastic location! We had a very good time at Panke and with you (also at our earlier visits)... ♥♥
Special thanx to Lilli for bringing us together. ♥
Sound & Light:
Panke technician Christopher did a phantastic job! It was a pleasure to work with him, he was nice, competent, very attentive and considerate with everything and everybody was super satisfied with his sound & skills!!! ♥
Curator (Vision, Concept, Organisation & Realisation / Public Relations & Communication):
Kersten Haines
Help, Advice, Setup, Communication:
Inka San
You are so incredible!!! ♥
Entrance Team:
Inka San
Jenny Knothe (Knoth Kouture)
Thanx so much to the three of you!!! You were such a lovely, helpful, wonderful and - not to forget - amazingly beautiful entrance team! ♥♥♥
Inka San (Financial Referent) & Kersten Haines (Curator)
Fashion Designers:
Thea Adora Bauer & Jasa Gladez from Degenerotika (Berlin / Ljubljana)
Jenny Knothe from Knoth Kouture (Berlin)
Schrüppe from Schrüppe McIntosh (Berlin / Leipzig)
Vian Talab from V I A N Fashion (Berlin)
Mamitek from Vibradios (Buenos Aires)
Jelena Vujanovic from Vilorija (Paris)
Yan Xcess from Yan Hats (Buenos Aires)
Aesthetic ecstasy by all of you!!! Love & Kisses! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Tailor in need:
Vian Talab
She has been our angel in many situations! ♥
Shows (in order of appearance):
Kersten Haines
Vilorija "Blume" Models:
Eva Catherine
Franziska Jünger
Sonja Ruska
Teresa Peitz
Tingting Wu
& Kersten Haines
Vilorija Make-up:
Franziska Jünger
Vilorija Hair:
Teresa Peitz
Our girl group was the most lovely & supportive model group I ever can imagine! I love you!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Performers & Dancers:
Evilyn Frantic
Nini (Mistress Wanda)
Maria (EN Finsternis)
ALL of you have been so gorgeous, lovely and enchanting - thank you so much - and come back!!!
Boris & Lena from The Wings of Desire
Pato from PATOKAI
I totally loved both of the concerts so much - such amazing shows, music, sound & lyrics!!!
Frau Rica
Steve Morell
Näd Mika
Thank you so much for your wonderful music - all the three of you did such a phantastic job and it was a pleasure to have you with us again!
Special thanx to fellow curator Asta Labžentytė (Lithuania) of the exhibition & project "Unicorn is in the box" / "Einhorn in der Box" for her super nice cooperation ahead and during our event. Parts of her great fashion & arts exhibition were a wonderful background and setting for our shows. ♥
We want to thank everybody for joining and being part of our latest experience. All ages joined us this time, new people from the Wedding-Kiez, old friends and participants - and all our guests were as lovely as always! And from what I heard from the door, everybody left with a happy smile! :-) ♥
Benjamin Lippke (House of Rough Arts)
Tania Castellvi (Fotania)
and many more...
Sooooo beautiful and stunning pictures... (see my July posts here)!!! ♥♥
Beside the many lovely announcements and articles by our participants and others on facebook, various webpages, event schedules and fashion, music and art blogs and by Panke Club itself, we especially want to thank Stephanie Schneider (Verführer Magazin), Triston Negreaux (Verbalslap, Fashion TV), Killerrr Mag and Kulturnetzwerk WeddingMoabit for their wonderful announcements and articles. ♥
Berlin Fashion Week - Showroom Days:
Very special thanx to Yana Ratthey & Café Palermo for organizing the Showroom Days and announcing us in the official Berlin Fashion Week programme! ♥
Love, Kisses & Thanx to all of you!!!
It was so wonderful!!!
Dancer EN FINSTERNIS posing in the nightly yard of Panke Club
in her beautiful V I A N dress & the stunning fascinator of YAN HATS
Als Inka, Näd und ich als glaube ich allerletzte Gäste Richtung Taxi liefen, schrien ein paar betrunkene Weddinger auf der Straße: "Ihr Scheiß Mode-Wichser - verpisst Euch!!!" oder ähnliches. Sie meinten nicht uns - oder haben uns zumindest übersehen. Wir mussten ziemlich lachen - und stiegen mit all den Kisten in unser wohlverdientes Taxi. Zu Hause angekommen, wollte ein neuer, hilfsbereiter Nachbar beim Kisten hochtragen helfen. Er erklärte freundlich, Mode total doof zu finden. Ein paar Tage später habe ich ihn dann händchenhaltend mit (s)einer sehr modischen Freundin ins Haus laufen sehen... - sogar in Berlin: Mode ist eben überall!!! (^.^)
When Inka, Näd and me walked towards our taxi as I think very last guests, some drunken Weddingers shouted on the street: "You fucking fashion motherfuckers - piss off!!!" or similar. They didn't allude to us - or at least have overseen us. We had to laugh pretty much - and climbed with all the boxes into our well-deserved taxi. Arrived at home, a new, helpful neighbour wanted to help carrying stuff up the stairway. He explained friendly, to see fashion as totally dumb. Some days later then, I have seen him coming into the house holding hands with a very modish friend or girlfriend... - even in Berlin: fashion is just everywhere!!! (^.^)
Nächtlicher Innenhof des PANKE Clubs / Nightly yard of PANKE Club
Photo Credits:
NÄD MIKA Selfie by Näd Mika
PANKE Bistro & PANKE inside installation by model Tingting Wu
All group & stage photos (first half of the article) by
by Tania Castellvi
All yard photos (second half of the article) by
Final post about this event:
[this post actually has been released not earlier than the 1st of Sept. 2014, but backdated to where it belongs to, to the posts about STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 in July 2014, to make it easier to find it in the future... ;-)]
[this post actually has been released not earlier than the 1st of Sept. 2014, but backdated to where it belongs to, to the posts about STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 in July 2014, to make it easier to find it in the future... ;-)]
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