Yesterday I already posted sweet pre-show snapshots of and selfies by our wonderful Berlin VILORIJA models. Here three shots by our official photographer Benjamin Lippke from House of Rough Arts, backstage at Berlin Fashion Week event STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gardens of Desire last Saturday at Panke Club in Wedding.
Our lovely Blume model group, close and tightly and all together backstage (from left to right):
Tingting Wu, the Blue Blume, Eva Catherine, the Yellow Blume, Kersten Haines, the Black Blume, Teresa Peitz, the Ballerina-Pink Blume, Franziska Jünger (sitting), not dressed here since she first did our make-up and soon became the Pink Blume, Sonja Ruska, the Purple Blume and Kelly (sitting), the Red Blume.
Teresa Peitz who helped styling our hair and Sonja Ruska look not so happy with being photographed in our girls' dressing room shortly before our show... (that must have been some time after I got a bit too unfriendly with a backstage interview request ahead of the show... ;-) Being a very respectable photographer, Benjamin immediately left the room of course. Last words exchanged between us models, the show could start soon! ♥
... and so more happy after: Sonja Ruska, the Purple Blume and Tingting Wu, the Blue Blume in their beautiful VILORIJA dresses, with purses and fascinator in the bar room of Panke Club
Nachdem Ihr meine nächsten Posts gesehen habt, werdet Ihr verstehen, warum wir nach unserer zauberhaften Berlin Fashion Week Show für die VILORIJA Blume Sommer Kollektion 2014 bei STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste so glücklich waren... ♥♥♥
After having seen my next posts, you will understand why we were so happy after our enchanting Berlin Fashion Week show for the VILORIJA Blume Summer Collection 2014 @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gardens of Desire... ♥♥♥
Fashion Designs by
Special Sample Sale to extremely reduced prices
Special Sample Sale to extremely reduced prices
All photos by
Benjamin Lippke
House of Rough Arts
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