Like at our last summer event we found a nice place for our iconic little Venus sculpture - a feminine symbol of love, erotic desire and beauty. Actually everything what STYLE! IT! TAKES! stands for.
Lange habe ich für unser STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 Sommer-Event unter dem diesmaligen Motto "Gärten der Lüste" nach einer schönen Berliner Location mit Garten gesucht - und bin mit der PANKE in Wedding schließlich fündig geworden. Was für ein großartiger Club, direkt an dem kleinen Panke Flüsschen und in der Nähe des Erika-Hess-Eisstadions gelegen, wo die MBFW residierte. Unser wunderschönes Berlin Fashion Week Event am Samstag sollte draußen in diesem zauberhaften Hinterhof beginnen und es war schon bevor unsere Gäste eintrafen von einer wundervollen Atmosphäre geprägt, wie die hier (und die in meinem folgenden Post von den VILORIJA Blume Models) veröffentlichten Backstage-Bilder unseres offiziellen Photographen Benjamin Lippke (House of Rough Arts) zeigen. Unwetterwarnungen ließen uns nicht von unserem Plan abbringen. Und es wurde, was angekündigt war: ein wunderschöner Sommer-Traum der Mode, Performances, Künste und Musik. ♥
Our beautiful performer Mistress Wanda in the Garden of Desire
For a long time I've been searching for a beautiful Berlin location with a garden for our STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 summer event with this times motto "Gardens of Desire" - and finally found it in PANKE in Wedding. What a great club, located directly at the little Panke river and close to Erika-Hess ice stadium, where the MBFW resided. Our wonderful Berlin Fashion Week event on Saturday should begin outside in this enchanting backyard and it was characterized by a wonderful atmosphere already before our guests were arriving, like the here (and the ones of the VILORIJA Blume Models in my next post) published backstage pictures by our official photographer Benjamin Lippke from House of Rough Arts show. Weather alerts and rainfall warnings couldn't distract us from our plan. And it became what has been announced: a wonderful Summer Dream of Fashion, Performances, Arts and Music. ♥
A wonderful mixture of old industrial culture and beautiful nature
Mistress Wanda doing her make-up in the garden

Our incredible performer Evilyn Frantic doing her lips in the garden, too

I have to admit that we "Blume" models may have clogged the backstage room during this time, too.
Sooo lucky that now we have these beautiful photos of Evilyn and her Mistress in the garden!
Even a graffiti sprayer kept up to our garden motto, painting a huge flower
A part of the early guests on the terrace of Panke Club and Garden and our great DJ Frau Rica (left girl under the right sunshade) who pleased us then and later with wonderful electronic, wave and minimal music ♥
Ich freue mich sehr, dass Benjamin schon so früh da war und bis zuletzt blieb, so dass er das gesamte Event mit seinem großartigen Auge für schöne Einstellungen und Momente und der phantastischen Qualität seiner Photos dokumentieren konnte. Herzlichen Dank, Benjamin - Deine Bilder sind unglaublich schön!!! ♥
I'm very happy that Benjamin has been there already so early and stayed till the end, so that he could document the whole event with his phantastic eye for beautiful shots and moments and the great quality of his photographies. Thank you so much, Benjamin - your pictures are so beautiful!!! ♥
All photos by
Benjamin Lippke
House of Rough Arts
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