EN FINSTERNIS performing to the second last song "Divers" (Taucher)...
Zum vorletzten Song "Divers" (Taucher) des ersten Live-Konzertes bei STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 von THE WINGS OF DESIRE kam die schöne Bloggerin EN FINSTERNIS (http://nebelviolet.blogspot.com) in einem wunderschönen schwarzen Kleid aus der Kollektion "Pure Seduction" von V I A N Fashion vor die Bühne und performte in stummfilmartiger Mimik eine ganze Geschichte, die sich um diesen Song dreht... eine sehr beeindruckende, ausdrucksvolle und schöne, wenn auch düstere Performance... ♥
For the second last song "Divers" of the first live-concert at STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 by THE WINGS OF DESIRE the beautiful blogger EN FINSTERNIS (http://nebelviolet.blogspot.com) came in a wonderful black dress out of the collection "Pure Seduction" of V I A N Fashion ahead of the stage and performed with mimes reminiscent of the silent film era a whole story revolving around this song... a very impressive, expressive and beautiful, though gloomy performance... ♥
This illuminator is round as the sphere of the earth
my love,
But i see nothing but darkness and it is clawing my nerves
I am writing this letter you will never read
On my body will soon strange sea creature feed
... of the live concert of THE WINGS OF DESIRE @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gardens of Desire
for Berlin Fashion Week (12th of July 2014, PANKE Club, Berlin-Wedding)
Someone flied to the moon in a search of a meaning and life
But I,
Eccept of the waves of the sea i have known no delight
I tried,
But I'm sinking and nothing this sinking will stop
Running out of oxygen, having no hope
But I,
Eccept of the waves of the sea i have known no delight
I tried,
But I'm sinking and nothing this sinking will stop
Running out of oxygen, having no hope
EN FINSTERNIS in the beautiful dress by V I A N Fashion reading the letter with the last words of her love, the diver, sung about in the wonderful song of THE WINGS OF DESIRE...
Have you ever seen light where is no sun
Have you ever watched underwater dance
Have you ever watched underwater dance
You can't imagine all the damage we have done
And how my yearning for your warmth intense
And how my yearning for your warmth intense

The gestures and mimes of EN FINSTERNIS beautifully reminded a lot of old movies of the 'golden years' of the 1920s era, so also the 'Jazz-impression' of clarinettist Lena from THE WINGS OF DESIRE suited perfectly... ♥
Trotz all der Traurigkeit im Ausdruck verkörperte die schöne EN FINSTERNIS ganz hervorragend die mit ihren Reizen und durch ihre Schönheit ihren Verehrer (oder ihre Verehrerin) ins Verderben stürzende Femme fatale, deren Typus inspirierend für die V I A N - Kollektion "Pure Seduction" war, aus der das Kleid stammt... ♥
Despite of all the sadness in expression the beautiful EN FINSTERNIS brilliantly embodied the type of the Femme fatale who with her charms and her beauty precipitates her devotee into ruin, a stock character which has been inspiring for the V I A N collection "Pure Seduction", from which the dress is a part of... ♥
There's no other place where the movements are so graceful and slow
I know
Where bible black darkness gives birth to a beautiful glow
I've seen oysters that were as Archangels bright
How i wish you could see them my deep beloved bride
I know
Where bible black darkness gives birth to a beautiful glow
I've seen oysters that were as Archangels bright
How i wish you could see them my deep beloved bride
EN FINSTERNIS (in the semi-transparent triangle-shaped dress by V I A N Fashion with
beautiful black lace around the neck)
tears the horrific letter to pieces...
I still fall into darkness like a spaceship that lost it's orbit
Nothing that i can do, but to sink into this bottomless pit
And repeat
The words that before that "prayers" were called
But now sound meaningless, empty and cold
Nothing that i can do, but to sink into this bottomless pit
And repeat
The words that before that "prayers" were called
But now sound meaningless, empty and cold
... starting a gloomy ceremony with a candle and hiding behind an also triangle-shaped black scarf she moved up and down slowly in front of her face with empty eyes...
(here you see the shadow of it on her bare legs)
In combination with her 'big hair' that enchanting scene reminded me a bit of the high priestess of Dark Punk,
Siouxsie Sioux... ♥
... finally kneeing down and starting to pray...
Have you ever heard the silence of the depths
Counting the degrees that pressing from outside
In my death row cell of a two square steps
I'm recalling things that i've left behind
Counting the degrees that pressing from outside
In my death row cell of a two square steps
I'm recalling things that i've left behind
A deep gloomy look at the candle
(and singer and diver Boris collapsing on stage, falling around the neck of band icon Veni de Milo)
All of these beautiful photos by
Benjamin Lippke of
House of Rough Arts

♥ EN FINSTERNIS appears like a seductive Princess of Darkness ♥
(the whole setting photographed by Kris van der Gragt from the perspective of our lovely audience)
Mit diesem (fast) Ende des großartigen THE WINGS OF DESIRE Konzertes sind wir recht tief in die Ozeane der Gärten der Lüste (unser Motto) getaucht... mit einer wunderschönen Performance voller Dramatik und Erotik, Traurigkeit und Tränen... beeindruckend umgesetzt und inszeniert von EN FINSTERNIS! Traumhaft!!! ♥♥♥
Aber was könnte uns wieder aufmuntern? Definitiv: noch mehr Feuer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥
But what could cheer us up? Definitely, even more fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥
performed in a beautiful dress by
V I A N Fashion
Vian Talab
Mode-Designerin B. A. / Fashion Designer B. A.
Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin
Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin
Herzlichsten Dank an Euch, liebe Maria (EN FINSTERNIS), für diese wunderschöne Performance und liebe Vian Talab von V I A N Fashion für dieses bezaubernde Kleid - Ihr wart beide so großartig and entzückend!!!
Es war mir eine große Freude mit Euch beiden zusammenzuarbeiten!!!
Love & Kisses
Thank you so much, dear Maria (EN FINSTERNIS), for this wonderful performance and dear Vian Talab of V I A N Fashion for this beautiful dress - you both have been so great and lovely!!!
It was such a pleasure for me to work with both of you!!!
Love & Kisses
Here is the first part of this article about the great show of THE WINGS OF DESIRE:
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