Tingting Wu, the Blue Blume & Teresa Peitz, the Ballerina-Pink Blume
VILORIJA Blume Summer Collection @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014 @ PANKE Club & Garden
Make up arte: Franziska Jünger Hair: Teresa Peitz
Make up arte: Franziska Jünger Hair: Teresa Peitz
Unser gestriges Berlin Fashion Week Event STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste im PANKE Club und Garten in Wedding war wieder eine so wunderschöne Zeit vom nachmittäglichen Anfang bis zum Ende spät in der Nacht. Hier erste Pre-Show-Photos von unseren entzückenden Models für die "Blume" Sommer Kollektion 2014 des Pariser Mode-Labels VILORIJA. Obwohl die meisten von uns sich erst kurz vor dem Event kennengelernt haben, sind wir schnell zu einer bezaubernden und sich gegenseitig unterstützenden Gruppe zusammengewachsen... Alle waren so nett, hilfsbereit, engagiert und kompetent und es hat mit jeder der Blumen und allen zusammen einen riesigen Spaß gemacht! Herzlichsten Dank, Ihr wart alle so großartig, lieb und wunderschön!!! ♥♥♥

Model Franziska Jünger is doing the make-up for her modelling mate Tingting Wu
VILORIJA Blume Models @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014 @ PANKE Club & Garden
Our yesterday's Berlin Fashion Week event STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gardens of Desire in PANKE club and garden in Wedding has been such a wonderful time again from the beginning in the afternoon to the end late at night. Here are some first pre-show pics of our lovely models for Paris fashion label VILORIJAs "Blume" summer collection 2014. Though most of us got to know each other for the first time just shortly before the event, we quickly grew together to a charming group supporting each other... All have been so nice, helpful, dedicated and capable and it was such big fun to work with each Blume and all together!!! Thank you so much, you all were so great, lovely and beautiful!!! ♥♥♥
Tingting Wu, the Blue Blume & Eva Catherine, the Yellow Blume
VILORIJA Blume Summer Collection @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014
All diese süßen Momentaufnahmen spiegeln die wunderschöne Atmosphäre zwischen uns... ♥
Sonja Ruska, the Purple Blume & Tingting Wu, the Blue Blume
VILORIJA Blume Models @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 (Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014)

VILORIJA Blume Model Tingting Wu arriving in the yard of PANKE Club
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014

Eva Catherine & Tingting Wu having fun together before the show
VILORIJA Blume Models @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 - Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire
Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014

@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014
All of these sweet snapshots mirror the marvellous atmosphere between us... ♥
... and a bit later
VILORIJA Models Franziska Jünger (still not dressed in VILORIJA being busy all the time to help all of us,
later the Pink Blume), Kelly, the Red Blume, Eva Catherine, the Yellow Blume & Teresa Peitz, the Ballerina-Pink Blume, backstage pre-show
later the Pink Blume), Kelly, the Red Blume, Eva Catherine, the Yellow Blume & Teresa Peitz, the Ballerina-Pink Blume, backstage pre-show
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 Berlin Fashion Week 12. Juli 2014
All pics via Tingting Wu except the last three via Teresa Peitz (2x) and Eva (last one).
Und jetzt warten wir gespannt auf die Photos unseres offiziellen Photographen Benjamin Lippke von House of Rough Arts und den anderen Photograph*innen, die diesen wundervollen Nachmittag, Abend und die Nacht dokumentiert haben... ♥
And now we curiously are waiting for the photos of our official photographer Benjamin Lippke from House of Rough Arts and the other photographers who documented this marvellous afternoon, evening and night... ♥
Special thanx to
Model Franziska Jünger who did the make-up for all of us - and her mother who spontaneously and kindly brought us something to eat :-)
Model Teresa Peitz who tenderly cared for all of us girls hair
Model Teresa Peitz who tenderly cared for all of us girls hair
Model Kelly who supported me so much and nice in these stressy days in every difficult and even tragic situation
Model Kelly who supported me so much and nice in these stressy days in every difficult and even tragic situation
Berlin fashion designer Vian Talab of VIAN Fashion who helped and saved us unselfish and dedicated in a situation of crisis with her great expertises and became a wonderful part of our VILORIJA team
Berlin fashion designer Vian Talab of VIAN Fashion who helped and saved us unselfish and dedicated in a situation of crisis with her great expertises and became a wonderful part of our VILORIJA team
Designer Jelena from VILORIJA Fashion Paris for working and cooperating with all of us in such a nice and lovely way, for her passion & love & openess & her so stunning and beautiful fashion!!!
Designer Jelena from VILORIJA Fashion Paris for working and cooperating with all of us in such a nice and lovely way, for her passion & love & openess & her so stunning and beautiful fashion!!!
Love & Kisses
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