Wednesday, July 31, 2013


VELVET CONDOM celebrated their record release party of "Vanity & Revolt" (Rustblade Rec.) with a brilliant live concert...
Summer Evening of Fashion, Performances & Music
Chalet Club Garden
Berlin Fashion Week 6 July 2013

While looking at Jarka Snajberk's fantastic pictures of their performance, you can listen to one of my all-time favourite tracks of VELVET CONDOM, their driving and sexy "Silky Lolita":

Alice Gift has a great voice

Olivier (aka Oberst P.) in his great striped KNOTH KOUTURE suit coat at the keyboards and
Nico (aka Alice Gift) on vocals, guitars and bass performed an amazing live set that evening


All photographies by

France / Berlin

More about VELVET CONDOM in this blog / Mehr über VELVET CONDOM in diesem Blog:

Fashion and Costume Design

More about KNOTH KOUTURE in this blog / Mehr KNOTH KOUTURE in diesem Blog:

NORA BELOW and the devil performing MASKENZAUBER, D & G and LILY CUT

NORA BELOW and the devil live at STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 3

Aesthetic ecstasy by Jarka Snajberk

NORA BELOW with an amazing headpiece by MASKENZAUBER & ERLEBENSKUNST

 NORA BELOW wears a corset and a skirt by Berlin label LILY CUT


Fantastic Bass player RONALD the devil and NORA BELOW live in a huge bubble eye caught by Jarka Snajberk with their gorgeous headpieces by MASKENZAUBER & ERLEBENSKUNST


Corset: LILY CUT

Jarka, you are amazing...!!! ♥

The devil on bass (he was gorgeous!!!) ♥
The self-styled bass, the D & G suit and the horned top suited perfectly together!
Suit: D & G

Transparent: The wonderful skirt by LILY CUT ♥

NORA BELOW did her amazing make-up herself and performed a fantastic live set with bass player THE DEVIL

 NORA BELOW has visions and a wonderful voice

Light Games

What a gesture... what a pic! Thanx so much to all the three of you... ♥♥♥


Bpitch Control / Bomb Boutique 
Singer, Musician, Performer, Artist





Thanx for the bombastic concert, fashion, performance, sound, light, photography, audience -
you all were so great!!!

Wonderful Summertime Kisses

More about NORA BELOW in this blog:
NORA BELOW and the devil performing MASKENZAUBER, D & G and LILY CUT @ Style! It! Takes! # 3
Video of NORA BELOW performing MASKENZAUBER & LILY CUT live @ Style! It! Takes! # 3 
Nice pics of NORA BELOW on our flyer for Style! It! Takes! # 3 
NORA BELOW in our Manifesto
Video Outtakes of NORA BELOW live @ Style! It! Takes! # 2
NORA BELOW live with NAMJIRA dancing @ Style! It! Takes! # 2
NORA BELOW wears GregOr Marvel / FRIENDLY SOCIETY @ Style! It! Takes! # 2

NORA BELOW recorded live in Zagreb and her fantastic flyer illustration for Style! It! Takes! # 2
NORA BELOW live in Zagreb with Zarkoff, Le Chocolat Noir, Popsimonova

CLEA CUTTHROAT performs Alice in lingerie by BLACK BOULEVARD

Irgendwann an jenem wunderbar-sonnigen Sommerabend im Chalet Garten gab es einen Moment, wo ich sehr sehr nervös wurde. Nachdem unsere ersten sechs Performances unter freiem Himmel im unteren Garten stattgefunden hatten, wo sich auch ein Großteil unserer Gäste aufhielt, sollte die erste Show von CLEA CUTTHROAT im DJ-Pavillon stattfinden. Der war zwar in Sichtweite, aber für eine gute Sicht auf die Performance war es trotzdem nötig, aufzustehen und sich ins schattige Innere des Pavillons zu begeben. Die Sache war aber noch kniffliger, da alles sehr schnell gehen musste, sobald ich nach meiner Ansage die Musik gestartet hatte. Unsere legendäre New Yorker Burlesque Tänzerin CLEA CUTTHROAT räkelte sich also auf einem alten Sofa, ich drückte auf 'Play' und hatte plötzlich Panik, was passieren würde, wenn nun niemand aufstehen und hineinkommen würde. Bei unserem großartigen Publikum und einer der weltweit besten Neo-Burlesque-Performerinnen war meine Sorge glücklicherweise vollkommen unbegründet - binnen Sekunden füllte sich das alte Gebäude und alle schauten gebannt auf CLEA CUTTHROAT!!! ♥♥♥
Mit zuckersüßem Make-up und in einem blau-weißen Kleidchen performte CLEA zur Musik von Björk's "It's Oh So Quiet!" die kleine und die große Alice im Wunderland der Stofftiere, des grotesken Trashes, der Innereien und nicht zuletzt der wunderschönen Unterwäsche des brandneuen Lingerie-Labels BLACK BOULEVARD aus New York und Berlin... und Alice hat uns alle verzaubert, brachte uns zum Lachen und Staunen zugleich...

Photographic memories by Jarka Snajberk

it's. oh. so quiet
it's oh. so still
you're all alone
and so peaceful until...

you fall in love

zing boom

Even Clea's shadow is amazing - thank you Jarka for catching this!!!

... but soon again...
starts another big riot!!!

Clea Cutthroat in BLACK BOULEVARD lingerie


CLEA CUTTHROAT performing lingerie by BLACK BOULEVARD (NYC / Berlin) at
STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 3 - Summer Evening of Fashion, Performances & Music
Berlin Fashion Week 6. Juli 2013

JARKA SNAJBERK / Springbuck Photography
Prag / Berlin

NYC / Berlin
NeoBurlesque Chameleon with "Masters in Eyeliner"


Message from CLEA CUTTHROAT to our STYLE! IT! TAKES! project:

 "Clea loves you!!!! Can't wait for the next event! XOX!"

"A special thank you to Kersten for having me again at her amazing event. Always such a pleasure to work with her, and to be a part of a night that is filled with so many wonderful, colorful performers!"

Thanx so much, Clea Cutthroat!!! It's a big pleasure to have you with us... you are not only such an amazing artist in so many spheres, you are such a great and wonderful person - we love you!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Summer Evening of Fashion, Performances & Music
Chalet Club Garden
Berlin Fashion Week 6 July 2013

Impressions by Jarka Snajberk

Simultaneously to Evilyn Frantic's mermaid performance, dancer NAMJIRA showed her fantastic Geisha performance. Both happened in the beautiful lower garden, between the pond and the half-open building on the opposite garden side (where our great DJ Nuit Noire / Marie Germinal had her residence and later Clea Cutthroat's wonderful Alice performance and the live concerts took place). NAMJIRA was dressed up all in white as a Japanese Geisha and presented a wonderful headpiece by designer Beatrice Baumann from the Berlin based SWEET HATTRICE label. She started her performance with a nice red umbrella, opening and closing it with excellent moves, and danced her Asia Fusion style all through our guests, using a huge white fan and a beautiful scarf for her great gestures and expressions, ending up riding on a little white horse...

Impressions by E. Tanev

In these very intense moments both Evilyn Frantic's mermaid installation and Namjira's Geisha performance were happening at the same time ... Thank you Evilyn & Namjira for all this aesthetic ecstasy: Perfect and unforgettable!!! ♥

Dance / Performance by
Asia Fusion / Gothic Tribal Fusion / Gothic Bellydance

Fashion Design (Headpiece) by

Photos by
 E. TANEV / Streetlounge Blogspot

Monday, July 22, 2013

EVILYN FRANTIC is our blue mermaid

One of the many nice things in our project are our surprise performers. Last time Kitty Wild came around and showed her amazing cat outfit. This time we had Evilyn Frantic, a lovely sideshow / burlesque performer, fetish, nudity, horror and alternative model from Finland, grown up in Sweden. She warmed our hearts and came as a mermaid!!! :-)

Digital painting of Evilyn Frantic by Jessine Hein (detail) * me at the pond of Chalet Garden (May 2013)

John William Waterhouse: A Mermaid (1901) * the pond of Chalet Club * Evilyn Frantic at STYLE! IT! TAKES!
# 3 - Summer Evening of Fashion, Performances & Music (Berlin Fashion Week, 6th July 2013)

Evilyn Frantic is a bit crazy. I mean, for weeks I have been promoting the beautiful little pond in the garden of the Chalet Club and have been searching for a model doing something like a little 'nixie, water nymph or mermaid show' there. This great woman joined our project shortly before the event, planning a mermaid show since a longer time and decided - for the old bathtub!!! (^.^)

She made her mermaid outfit herself, but can't walk in it - she needed and found lovely help by Crudelia von Grimm... ♥

CRUDELIA VON GRIMM bringing EVILYN FRANTIC to the old-fashioned bathtub
Thanx so much, Crudelia - not only in that situation you showed, you are a real gentleman! ♥
photo by E. Tanev

The day we fixed our mermaid plan, Evilyn wrote: "I found the perfect t-shirt today too, it said: 'Don't be such a mermaid!'" *lol* ... and: "Maybe for the afterparty" (^.^) ...

EVILYN FRANTIC's beautiful 'mermaid installation' with a black feather fan, wearing a long turquoise wig with a long pearl chain and pearl bracelets. Skirt and tail are made by herself of see-through black fabric with glitter on it (another DIY element at our event) ♥
 photo by Jarka Snajberk

EVILYN as blue mermaid in front of the bathtub
(in the background CRUDELIA, waiting to bring her back)
photo by Jarka Snajberk

Evilyn's beautiful fish-like wriggling mermaid installation happened simultaneously to geisha Namjira riding a horse through the garden... What wonderful moments!!!

NAMJIRA as geisha riding a horse (by Jarka Snajberk)

EVILYN changed her outfits several times that evening... every single one has been just perfect!!!
Here we see her drinking a wine with Emma after her performance...

Evilyn didn't wear so much, but unfortunately she lost a part of her outfit (the skirt which appears in the last pic)...

Later she saved our night spontaneously, spitting fire during an uncomfortable situation...

All this is exactly why we love her and why she is just perfect for our project... (^.^)

Thanx so much, Evilyn!!!

"Mermaids unite!!!"

p. s.:

If anyone found or knows anything about Evilyn's skirt: We'd be happy to get it back...


Berlin / Finland / Sweden

a funny story from Evilyn:
when she and a friend walked through Christiania - a drunk/high guy said:

"Hey, you look like fish!"

My answer: "Yes! it's because we ARE fish! Blubb,blubb."

The guy: "...blubb,blubb" (and looked really confused)
and turned to his friend: "They were fish."


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Unsere Photographin Jarka Snajberk hat phantastische Aufnahmen von Maria Kaledenkovas großartigen Präsentationen der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik gemacht. Hier sind sie:

Our photographer Jarka Snajberk took fantastic shots of Maria Kaledenkova's great presentations of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Here they are:

Erste Performance / First performance

Zweite Performance / Second performance

Summer Evening of Fashion, Performances & Music
Chalet Club Garden
Berlin Fashion Week 6 July 2013

Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Maria für die wunderbaren Performances & an Jarka für die großartigen Bilder!!!
Many thanks to Maria for the wonderful performances & to Jarka for these great pictures!!!

JARKA SNAJBERK / Springbuck Photography