Welcome to our photo and video reports from a breath-taking wonderful STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 3! ♥
Thank you, Jarka - you are so lovely and brilliant... ♥♥♥
Great photographer Jarka - feminine and confidently stylish as always - wore a beautiful black
skirt, a black shirt, sexy black high heeled shoes, black nylons, black underwear and a
black ribbon in her
blonde plaited hair... :)
Usually being mostly addicted to clear colours like black, white or red just like Jarka, I decided for this garden party on a floral pale green dress I bought just a few weeks ago from Burlesque dancer La Rubina (Foxy). It's a theater costume from Vienna, made for the opera singer of a ballet group. It comes with two waistbelts in light and in dark green and this fantastic pair of gloves reminiscent of leaves. When I saw it I immediately fell in love with it. Nearly not to be seen, I combined it with white stockings and silver glitter high heeled pumps.
Don't you think our so different outfits make a wonderful combination?
And the pink lily made just everything perfect... ♥
... and now we are zooming with a little video cam through the afternoon garden of STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 3 with some of our amazing and lovely guests and participants... you all were so great, beautiful, lovely, gorgeous, sexy, helpful and kind!!!
Thanx so much to all of you, love, hugs and endless kisses...
XXX, ♥♥♥
Some of our participants in order of appearance in this video:
* Inka & Jakob at the entrance
* Laurent with Maren from PINK CADILLAC
* Emanuela at the Velvet Condom merch stand (RUSTBLADE label)
* designer Yukiko at her MAGPIE (Japan / Berlin) stand
* designer CRUDELIA VON GRIMM at his booth
* the booth of headpieces by SWEET HATTRICE
* Ariadni with her very nice vintage booth
* the booth of MASKENZAUBER & ERLEBENSKUNST (headpieces & masks)
* designer Marén Söhnlein from Maskenzauber & Erlebenskunst
* model Doria Gray and designers Lars from ÄTHERWERK and Anna from LILY CUT
(standing together)
* an employee of Chalet Club setting up a torch at the pond
* Liliya Chikova and Maria Kaledenkova warming up for their Rhythmic Gymnastics at our nicely decorated RSG (Rhythmische Sportgymnastik)-Pavilion
* some of our lovely guests
* our great photographer Jarka Snajberk (the blonde woman in black sitting at the bar)
* the pond
* more lovely early guests
* Nico and Olivier from VELVET CONDOM sitting at a table with friends
* the carousel horse, later used by our great dancer Namjira
(I'm sure I have overlooked somebody... ;-) ...)
Sorry for bad quality, I had to do it quick and just wanted to catch the fantastic atmosphere of this sunny and lovely afternoon. Especially our performers NAMJIRA, EVILYN FRANTIC, CLEA CUTTHROAT, NORA BELOW and her bass player are missing here, also photographer Maren Michaelis (also working for the Dit Is Fashion! blog) and film maker Martin Fürstenberg (Platyn Filmproduction) were either busy that time or attended a bit later. Same goes for fashion designer Jenny from KNOTH KOUTURE who made the wonderful grey suit for Olivier of Velvet Condom.

The welcome committee:
Jakob (with blue mohawk) and Inka (wearing a wonderful blue dress with black imitation leather seams) with flowers, records, bubbles, homemade woodruff syrup & candies for free, a Venus sculpture and, of course, our blue TARDIS money box...
... and the pink satin perfectly suited the colours of Velvet Condom's "Vanity & Revolt" box whose release has been celebrated at our great Berlin Fashion Week party!
Thanx so much to Inka and Jakob, who spent hours and hours working for free to make our event such amazing from the beginning. And like always they did it gorgeously friendly & nice and with great style.
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