Beautiful Sonja Ruska wears the Blue Blume Silk Dress of VILORIJA Fashion Paris
An einem Sonntag Nachmittag im August in Berlins Mitte... machten der Photograph Benjamin Lippke (House of Rough Arts), die Schauspielerin und Model Sonja Ruska und ich eine kleine Photo-Session im Volkspark am Weinbergsweg. Da blaue Blumen in diesem Park - wie auch sonst - selten zu sehen sind, trug Sonja vor grünen Blättern, weißen und rosa-farbenen Rosen und bunten Graffiti das wunderschöne blaue Seidenkleid aus der "Blume" Kollektion des Pariser Labels VILORIJA und die zugehörige, mit Glasperlen handbestickte Handtasche aus blau-gefärbtem Leder. Mehr brauchte es nicht, um absolut hinreissend und bezaubernd auszusehen - eines meiner Favoriten dieser endlos schönen Kollektion. Wir hatten etwas zu feiern, denn am Abend begann unser erster STYLE! IT! TAKES! Spätsommer-Salon in der nahegelegenen Mode-Boutique und Kunst-Galerie Friendly Society, in welcher die wunderschöne Mode von Vilorija neuerdings käuflich zu erwerben ist. Hier ein paar Photos vom gemeinsamen Nachmittag im Park. ♥

... and the matching blue leather purse with hand-embroidered glass beads
On a Sunday afternoon in August in Berlin's Mitte (central district of Berlin)... photographer Benjamin Lippke (House of Rough Arts), actress and model Sonja Ruska and me made a little photo session in the Volkspark am Weinbergsweg.
As blue flowers are very scarce in this park (like everywhere else),
between green leaves, white and soft-pink roses and colourful graffiti Sonja wore the wonderful blue silk dress of the "Blume" collection
of Parisian label VILORIJA and the matching purse out of blue-coloured leather with hand-embroidered glass beads. It didn't take any more to look absolutely gorgeous and charming - one of my favorites of this endlessly beautiful collection. We had something to celebrate,
since at the evening our first STYLE! IT! TAKES! Late Summer Salon started in the nearby fashion boutique and art gallery Friendly Society,
in which the beautiful fashion of Vilorija is available for purchase just recently. Here some photos from our afternoon in the park. ♥

The cone...

... shimmering at the setting of the sun...

The Blue & the Black Blume - so nice together, too:
Sonja & me, Kersten, in the beautiful Black Blume Dress by VILORIJA
Sonja & me, Kersten, in the beautiful Black Blume Dress by VILORIJA

A cute cat loved us, too... (and we loved her) ♥
Black Blume under pink mushroom (^.^) (cut-out)

She looked so beautiful...

Boom-Bam! A Blue Flower in the park...
You are welcome to
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Both Sonja & me would be very happy if you like and follow our pages:
like, follow, donate, buy -
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Both Sonja & me would be very happy if you like and follow our pages:
Kersten Haines * Fashion & Arts Curator * STYLE! IT! TAKES! Project
Kersten Haines * Fashion & Arts Curator * STYLE! IT! TAKES! Project
Please also follow this lovely blog to support us!!!
Same goes for our great photographer...
Benjamin Lippke's House of Rough Arts
and our wonderful fashion designer,
Jelena Vujanovic's VILORIJA Fashion
Same goes for our great photographer...
Benjamin Lippke's House of Rough Arts
and our wonderful fashion designer,
Jelena Vujanovic's VILORIJA Fashion
Beautiful VILORIJA Fashion can be purchased at
Mode Kunst Kultursalon Café Showroom Atelier
Griebenowstraße 23
10435 Berlin - Mitte
+49 (0)30 280.46.190www.friendlysociety.de
except on my balcony! ♥♥♥
(self-sown cornflowers on my balcony, Berlin, late summer 2014)
xxx, ♥♥♥, K.
Mehr blaue Mode in diesem Blog * More blue fashion in this blog:
Introduction of the whole summer collection.
Cinderella Blue (Feb 2016)
A beautiful photo shooting in Russia (2014).
Die blaue Kathedrale des Schuhfetischismus (Feb 2016)
About a blue glass shoe church in Taiwan & a lot of blue fashion (dresses, skirts, jackets, sweaters, lingerie, rubber, swimwear & mermaids, shoes, accessories, hair & beauty)... Very glamorous & sweet. ♥