Burlesque Bitch Contest

Clea Cutthroat ironizing 'American Pride' by Maren Michaelis Photography
*Deutsch (English below)*
Unsere großartige Performerin, Tänzerin und Künstlerin CLEA CUTTHROAT (von Style! It! Takes! # 1) hat gute Chancen einen Burlesque Bitch Wettbewerb in den USA zu gewinnen, der nur noch bis zum 15. Mai läuft. Im Moment fehlen ihr nur ca. 50 Stimmen auf Platz 1. Bitte unterstützt sie und uns, indem Ihr einfach einen kurzen Kommentar (ein Herzchen oder ähnliches reicht!) auf ihrem Wettbewerbs-Profil hinterlasst - das ist alles!!!! Ihr könnt (und wenn sie das Rennen noch machen soll: solltet...) übrigens jeden Tag einmal mit einem kurzen Kommentar 'wählen' (denkt an die Zeitverschiebung!). Die Seite ist natürlich absolut Spam-frei, ihr braucht nur einen Facebook-Account (wenn Ihr mehrere habt, könnt Ihr auch mit beiden Profilen wählen). :-)
Die Gewinnerin wird zur 'Blogger Bitch' ernannt und eine eigene Kolumne in dem Burlesque-Ezine bekommen. Und da CLEA CUTTHROAT wunderbar schreiben kann und auch eine Menge zu sagen hat, muss sie einfach das Rennen machen - also bitte WÄHLT CLEA CUTTHROAT! ♥♥♥
Hier geht's zum Wählen (unten bei den Kommentaren):

Clea Cutthroat by Wild At Heart Photography
Our amazing performer, dancer & artist CLEA CUTTHROAT (from Style! It! Takes! # 1) has good chances to win a Burlesque Bitch Contest in the USA running just till 15th of May. At the moment only about 50 votes are missing to reach first place and the bitchy gold medal. Please support her and us by voting for her (just leave a quick comment there, that's all!)!!!! You can vote every day (think of the time difference!). The page is nice and absolutely spam-free, you just need a Facebook account (if you got two, you can use both for voting every day). :-)
The performer with the most votes will be declared the 'Blogger Bitch' and will get a special column in the Ezine and can write about whatever she desires. Since CLEA CUTTHROAT has a wonderful writing and has a lot to say, she just has to make it - so please VOTE CLEA CUTTHROAT! ♥♥♥
Here you can vote (at the comments below):

Clea Cutthroat performing a dolly (pictures by Jürgen Gässler)

"Clea Cutthroat is currently Berlin's most notorious import from NYC.
Starting in the professional ballet world...the dark side called, and Clea soon found herself leaving the off-Broadway stage for the dark and sweaty punk, fetish, and goth clubs.
In 2006 Clea moved to Berlin just in time for the rebirth of the Burlesque scene. Since then she has traveled the world with her solo shows, as well as performing full-time with BONAPARTE."
Starting in the professional ballet world...the dark side called, and Clea soon found herself leaving the off-Broadway stage for the dark and sweaty punk, fetish, and goth clubs.
In 2006 Clea moved to Berlin just in time for the rebirth of the Burlesque scene. Since then she has traveled the world with her solo shows, as well as performing full-time with BONAPARTE."

Clea Cutthroat by Wild At Heart Photography
The Hartford Ballet, The Sleeping Beauty (1997)
The Connecticut State Opera, Fledermaus, ensemble dancer (1997)
The Mantis Project, principle dancer (NYC 2000- 2001)
Moulin Rouge Premiere for Baz Luhrmann, dancer (NYC 2001)
“Blitzkrieg”, principle dancer/burlesque performer (NYC 2005 - 2006)
The Mantis Project, dancer, American Dance Guild (NYC 2001)
The Mantis Project, dancer, Dancers Responding to AIDS (NYC 2001)
Shaken & Stirred (NYC 2012)
Brick City Burlesque (Newark, NJ 2012)
Sharkbite Sideshow (NYC 2012)
TRASH! (Webster Hall, NYC 2012)
Wasabasco at City Winery (NYC 2012)
Original Cyn Burlesque (NYC 2012)
Wasbasco Hellfire Club (NYC 2012)
Stimulate (NYC 2012)
The National Arts Club (NYC, 2005)
Victoria Secret After-party, Fashion Week (NYC, 2006)
Fischerspooner Halloween Party (Hiro Ballroom, NYC 2005)
Motherfucker (The Roxy, NYC 204-2006)
Byte Party (NYC 2004-2006)
Smack! (NYC 2005)
Le Scandal Cabaret (NYC, 2005 - 2006)
The Slipper Room (NYC, 2004 - 2006)
The Cutting Room (NYC, 2005 - 2006)
Scratch at Meow Mix (NYC 2004)
Rated X (NYC 2005)
Swing 46 (NYC, 2003)
NYC Erotic Film Festival (NYC 2006)
Red Hots Burlesque at Rififi (NYC 2004-2006)
Style! It! Takes! (Berlin Fashion Week 2012)
The Hartford Ballet, The Sleeping Beauty (1997)
The Connecticut State Opera, Fledermaus, ensemble dancer (1997)
The Mantis Project, principle dancer (NYC 2000- 2001)
Moulin Rouge Premiere for Baz Luhrmann, dancer (NYC 2001)
“Blitzkrieg”, principle dancer/burlesque performer (NYC 2005 - 2006)
The Mantis Project, dancer, American Dance Guild (NYC 2001)
The Mantis Project, dancer, Dancers Responding to AIDS (NYC 2001)
Shaken & Stirred (NYC 2012)
Brick City Burlesque (Newark, NJ 2012)
Sharkbite Sideshow (NYC 2012)
TRASH! (Webster Hall, NYC 2012)
Wasabasco at City Winery (NYC 2012)
Original Cyn Burlesque (NYC 2012)
Wasbasco Hellfire Club (NYC 2012)
Stimulate (NYC 2012)
The National Arts Club (NYC, 2005)
Victoria Secret After-party, Fashion Week (NYC, 2006)
Fischerspooner Halloween Party (Hiro Ballroom, NYC 2005)
Motherfucker (The Roxy, NYC 204-2006)
Byte Party (NYC 2004-2006)
Smack! (NYC 2005)
Le Scandal Cabaret (NYC, 2005 - 2006)
The Slipper Room (NYC, 2004 - 2006)
The Cutting Room (NYC, 2005 - 2006)
Scratch at Meow Mix (NYC 2004)
Rated X (NYC 2005)
Swing 46 (NYC, 2003)
NYC Erotic Film Festival (NYC 2006)
Red Hots Burlesque at Rififi (NYC 2004-2006)
Style! It! Takes! (Berlin Fashion Week 2012)
Salon Kokett (Berlin 2011)
Pinky’s Peepshow (Berlin 2011)
Roxy Club (Istanbul, Turkey 2011)
Queerlesque (Berlin 2011)
Queen Calavera (Hamburg 2011)
Lubeck Tattoo Convention (Lubeck 2011)
Garage Rock Festival (Belgrade, Serbia 2011)
Peaches Christ Superstar (Hamburg/Berlin 2010)
Vice Magazine/Berlin Tattoo Convention After-party (Berlin 2010)
Berlin Bread and Butter (Berlin 2010/2011)
Pantichrist Burlesque Shows (Switzerland 2008-present day)
Le Fete Fatale (Berlin 2009)
Arosa Humor Festival with Konrad Stöckel, (Arosa 2008)
Fusion Festival (Germany 2008)
Grotesque Gala (Berlin, 2007 - 2008)
Tsunami Club (Köln, 2008)
Hell Sindustries (Sage Club, Berlin 2008)
German Fetish Ball (Berlin 2008)
Second Skin (Athens, 2008)
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School (Berlin 2008 - present day)
Schmidt Theater, with Konrad Stöckel (Hamburg, 2007 - 2008)
Hamburg Tattoo Convention (Hamburg, 2008)
Ed Hardy Fashion Show (Berlin, 2008)
Fetish Guerilla (Berlin 2007)
Belle et Fou (Berlin, 2007)
Quatsch Comedy Club, with Konrad Stöckel (Berlin, 2007)
Special Guest Star with The Teaserettes (Berlin, 2006 - 2007)
Ben Sherman After-party, Bread & Butter (Berlin, 2006)
Jägermeister Wild Girls Tour (Germany 2006 - 2008)
Bloodhound Gang (Germany, 2006)
Squeezebox (Berlin 2006)
Taboo Tiki Room (Berlin 2006)
Berlinale After-party for "Cassidy's Girl" (Berlin, 2005)
BONAPARTE (2004-present day: original circus performer)
Full list of credits www.BONAPARTE.cc
Some Festivals we've played:
Hurricane/Southside, Rock im Ring/ Rock im Park, Dour, EXIT, Roskilde
EAT LIPSTICK (2008- present day)
Lead Singer, Drag-Glam-Eletro-Punk band.
We're huge in Berlin and Norway! RAWK!
NeoParadise: with Bonaparte (November, 2011)
MTV HOME: With Bonaparte (June/Berlin, 2010)
Music Video: Miss Kookie (Universal Music, 2010)
SAT1 "YES WE CAN DANCE" (September/October 2009)
MTV: Bonaparte Music Video, "Who Took the Pill" (Berlin, 2009)
MTV: Miss Platnum Music Video, "Babooska" (Berlin, 2009)
PRO7: Tattoo Magazine (2009)
Johannes B. Kearne Show, with Konrad Stöckel (May 2009)
Deutschland Sucht Die Superstar (Dancer for Mark Medlock) (April 2009)
Dancer for "Alex Swings, Oscar Sings" (April 2009)
Comedy Central, Nightwash,Konrad Stöckel (Köln,2007 - 2008)
Giga TV: with Konrad Stöckel (Köln, 2007)
"As the World Turns", Soap Opera (NYC, 2003)
Style! It! Takes! (Berlin Fashion Week 2012)
Pinky’s Peepshow (Berlin 2011)
Roxy Club (Istanbul, Turkey 2011)
Queerlesque (Berlin 2011)
Queen Calavera (Hamburg 2011)
Lubeck Tattoo Convention (Lubeck 2011)
Garage Rock Festival (Belgrade, Serbia 2011)
Peaches Christ Superstar (Hamburg/Berlin 2010)
Vice Magazine/Berlin Tattoo Convention After-party (Berlin 2010)
Berlin Bread and Butter (Berlin 2010/2011)
Pantichrist Burlesque Shows (Switzerland 2008-present day)
Le Fete Fatale (Berlin 2009)
Arosa Humor Festival with Konrad Stöckel, (Arosa 2008)
Fusion Festival (Germany 2008)
Grotesque Gala (Berlin, 2007 - 2008)
Tsunami Club (Köln, 2008)
Hell Sindustries (Sage Club, Berlin 2008)
German Fetish Ball (Berlin 2008)
Second Skin (Athens, 2008)
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School (Berlin 2008 - present day)
Schmidt Theater, with Konrad Stöckel (Hamburg, 2007 - 2008)
Hamburg Tattoo Convention (Hamburg, 2008)
Ed Hardy Fashion Show (Berlin, 2008)
Fetish Guerilla (Berlin 2007)
Belle et Fou (Berlin, 2007)
Quatsch Comedy Club, with Konrad Stöckel (Berlin, 2007)
Special Guest Star with The Teaserettes (Berlin, 2006 - 2007)
Ben Sherman After-party, Bread & Butter (Berlin, 2006)
Jägermeister Wild Girls Tour (Germany 2006 - 2008)
Bloodhound Gang (Germany, 2006)
Squeezebox (Berlin 2006)
Taboo Tiki Room (Berlin 2006)
Berlinale After-party for "Cassidy's Girl" (Berlin, 2005)
BONAPARTE (2004-present day: original circus performer)
Full list of credits www.BONAPARTE.cc
Some Festivals we've played:
Hurricane/Southside, Rock im Ring/ Rock im Park, Dour, EXIT, Roskilde
EAT LIPSTICK (2008- present day)
Lead Singer, Drag-Glam-Eletro-Punk band.
We're huge in Berlin and Norway! RAWK!
NeoParadise: with Bonaparte (November, 2011)
MTV HOME: With Bonaparte (June/Berlin, 2010)
Music Video: Miss Kookie (Universal Music, 2010)
SAT1 "YES WE CAN DANCE" (September/October 2009)
MTV: Bonaparte Music Video, "Who Took the Pill" (Berlin, 2009)
MTV: Miss Platnum Music Video, "Babooska" (Berlin, 2009)
PRO7: Tattoo Magazine (2009)
Johannes B. Kearne Show, with Konrad Stöckel (May 2009)
Deutschland Sucht Die Superstar (Dancer for Mark Medlock) (April 2009)
Dancer for "Alex Swings, Oscar Sings" (April 2009)
Comedy Central, Nightwash,Konrad Stöckel (Köln,2007 - 2008)
Giga TV: with Konrad Stöckel (Köln, 2007)
"As the World Turns", Soap Opera (NYC, 2003)
Style! It! Takes! (Berlin Fashion Week 2012)
Torture Garden (Berlin, 2008)
Tres Bonjour Latex (Berlin, 2008)
Tom.To Corsets (Berlin/Hamburg, 2008)
Jane Doe Latex (Berlin, 2007)
AMF Corsets (Berlin, 2007)
Veritee Hill Designs (NYC)
M.E. STYLE (I'M THE COVER GIRL!, with Bonaparte/ September 2011)
Musikexpress (with Bonaparte/ September 2011)
Latex Fashion Photography (Goliath Books 2011)
Musikexpress (with Bonaparte, special fashion edition/ September 2010)
M.E Style (with Bonaparte/September 2010)
Spex (with Bonaparte/June 2010)
Bizarre Magazine (October 2008 "The Party Issue-Grotesque Gala")
Bizarre Magazine (August 2008 "Grotesque Burlesque, The Fetishistic One")
GQ Magazine with Rob Thomas (June 2005)
“The Ruffles without the Raunch” by Elizabeth Cutler,
PaiperDoll Fashion Magazine (2006)
http://www.papierdoll.net/themag/2007/0 … he-raunch/
“9 Lives of Clea Cutthroat” by Michael Shinafelt for
Stray Bullets Online Magazine (2007)
http://www.straybullets.org/The_9_Lives … tthro.html
"Berlin Performance Artist Clea Cutthroat Wants Your
Blood" by Michael Shinafelt for www.doorQ.com online
magazine (2007)
"Entertain Me: 10 Random thoughts by Clea Cutthroat" by Micahel Shinafelt (2011)
http://mshinafelt.blogspot.com/2011/10/ … hroat.html
Tres Bonjour Latex (Berlin, 2008)
Tom.To Corsets (Berlin/Hamburg, 2008)
Jane Doe Latex (Berlin, 2007)
AMF Corsets (Berlin, 2007)
Veritee Hill Designs (NYC)
M.E. STYLE (I'M THE COVER GIRL!, with Bonaparte/ September 2011)
Musikexpress (with Bonaparte/ September 2011)
Latex Fashion Photography (Goliath Books 2011)
Musikexpress (with Bonaparte, special fashion edition/ September 2010)
M.E Style (with Bonaparte/September 2010)
Spex (with Bonaparte/June 2010)
Bizarre Magazine (October 2008 "The Party Issue-Grotesque Gala")
Bizarre Magazine (August 2008 "Grotesque Burlesque, The Fetishistic One")
GQ Magazine with Rob Thomas (June 2005)
“The Ruffles without the Raunch” by Elizabeth Cutler,
PaiperDoll Fashion Magazine (2006)
http://www.papierdoll.net/themag/2007/0 … he-raunch/
“9 Lives of Clea Cutthroat” by Michael Shinafelt for
Stray Bullets Online Magazine (2007)
http://www.straybullets.org/The_9_Lives … tthro.html
"Berlin Performance Artist Clea Cutthroat Wants Your
Blood" by Michael Shinafelt for www.doorQ.com online
magazine (2007)
"Entertain Me: 10 Random thoughts by Clea Cutthroat" by Micahel Shinafelt (2011)
http://mshinafelt.blogspot.com/2011/10/ … hroat.html
More about CLEA CUTTHROAT in this blog:
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