Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic ~ visual
Vor ziemlich genau einem Jahr habe ich mit meinem STYLE! IT! TAKES! Projekt das Pariser Label VILORIJA von Jelena Vujanovic und ihre damalige "Blume" Kollektion zu uns zur Berlin Fashion Week eingeladen. Nach der Modenschau bei unserem Event sind wir einen auch für mich neuen Schritt gegangen, in dem ich Jelena beim Verkauf ihrer Kollektion in der Stadt unterstützte und sie mit dem Modedesigner Gregor Marvel und seiner Boutique & Galerie Friendly Society in Berlin-Mitte zusammenbrachte. Umso mehr freut es mich, dass unsere Zusammenarbeit fruchtete und auch Jelena's neue Kollektion wieder in der Boutique verkauft wird. Am Samstag wird sie im Rahmen der Fashion Week in der Friendly Society vorgestellt, wozu wir Euch herzlich einladen möchten! Aber Leser*innen unseres Blogs bekommen natürlich schon vorab exquisite Einsicht in diese wundervolle Kollektion, die den schönen und passenden Namen "Prêt-à-Voyager" ("Ready-to-Travel") trägt.

About exactly one year ago, with my project STYLE! IT! TAKES! I have invited the Paris label VILORIJA by Jelena
Vujanovic and her "Blume" (Flower) collection of that time to us for Berlin Fashion Week. After the fashion show at our event we took a further step which was also new for me: I supported Jelena with the sale of her collection in the town and brought her together with fashion designer Gregor Marvel and his boutique &
gallery Friendly Society in Berlin-Mitte. So I'm very happy that our cooperation bore fruits und that Jelena's new collection is sold again in the boutique, too. On
Saturday during Fashion Week it will be presented in the Friendly Society and we like to cordially invite you to this! But readers of our blog of course get exquisite insight already ahead into this wonderful collection which has the beautiful and appropriate name
"Prêt-à-Voyager" ("Ready-to-Travel").
"Prêt-à-Voyager" ("Ready-to-Travel").

Anja Matkovic, Sanja Ilic & Jovana Adam wear geometrical shape dresses by VILORIJA
Make up and hair stylist (all plane photos!): Professional makeup by Marina
Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic
Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic

Models Anja Matkovic, Jovana Adam & Sanja Ilic wear the VILORIJA Collection 2015 Prêt-à-Voyager
Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic

Matkovic, Jovana Adam & Sanja Ilic fly in the VILORIJA Collection 2015 Prêt-à-Voyager
Make up and hair stylist: Marina
by Ivana Lilith Todorovic ~ visual

Print patterns by Jelena Vujanovic / VILORIJA – inspired by Dita Von Teese & Iggy Pop
Graphic preparation of the designs in illustrator by graphic
designer Monika Lang

Sanja Ilic, Jovana Adam & Anja Matkovic are ready to fly with VILORIJA Fashion 2015
Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic
Print patterns by Jelena Vujanovic / VILORIJA
inspired by classic timeless Scotish tartan, punk style, and roses from the covers of old Fairy Tales books
Baby you can drive my car
inspired by classic timeless Scotish tartan, punk style, and roses from the covers of old Fairy Tales books

Anja Matkovic wears a geometrical shape evening dress by VILORIJA Fashion 2015
Make up and hair stylist (all car photos!): Professional makeup by Marina
Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic ~ visual artist
"Prêt-à-Voyager? Peut être à Cannes?
How about to wear this Vilorija long dress on the Red Carpet? - with geometrical shape formed by embroidered trims designed by Vilorija, inspired by roses from the covers of old Fairy Tales books"
Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic ~ visual artist
"Prêt-à-Voyager? Peut être à Cannes?
How about to wear this Vilorija long dress on the Red Carpet? - with geometrical shape formed by embroidered trims designed by Vilorija, inspired by roses from the covers of old Fairy Tales books"

Jovana Adam in VILORIJA Fashion 2015 * Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic

Jovana Adam in VILORIJA Collection 2015 * Photo by Branko Starcevic
Print patterns designed by Vilorija - Inspired by Roses & Fairy Tales

Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic ~ visual artist

Print patterns designed by Vilorija - Inspired by Roses & Fairy Tales

Make up and hair stylist: Marina
Anja Matkovic, Jovana Adam & Sanja Ilic
Click Modna Agencija by Nenad Radujevic
Anja Matkovic, Jovana Adam & Sanja Ilic
Click Modna Agencija by Nenad Radujevic
Parisian balconies in stripes

VILORIJA Collection 2015
VILORIJA Collection 2015
"Ready to Travel and discover your next desired journey?"

Jovana Adam wears Vilorija Collection 2015 * Photo by Branko Starcevic
patterns on the T-shirt designed by Jelena Vujanovic / Vilorija
"Inspired by and consisted of art deco iron-work design from my favourite Parisian balconies"
"Inspired by and consisted of art deco iron-work design from my favourite Parisian balconies"
Let's catch a train
Auch wenn das alles atemberaubend schön aussieht, ist die beste und ökologischste Art des Reisens natürlich wie immer der Zug. Ihr könntet Euch zum Beispiel für den persönlichen Zug des ehemaligen Präsidenten von Jugoslawien, Josip Broz Tito entscheiden... ;-)

Milena Panić enters Tito's train in VILORIJA Fashion 2015 * Photo by Mina Delić
Though all this looks stunningly beautiful, the best and most ecological way of course – like always – is to travel by train. You can choose, for example, the personal train of ex-Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito... ;-)

Embroideries designed by Jelena Vujanovic / Vilorija
Liebe Freund*innen der Mode und Kunst,
am Samstag, den 11.Juli 2015 laden wir Euch
herzlich zum FriendlySociety FASHION-DAY ein:
12:00 geöffnet
15:00 GregOrMarvel - Club-Menswear & Cocktail Culture, Berlin & Ibiza
16:00 VILORIJA - Ready to Travel (Lady's Collection), Paris
17:00 JAAN by Moriz Jaan - seine erste FW Kollektion, Erfurt
+ ÜberraschungsgästeUlrike Haller & Stefan Dittrich live
Friendly Society
Mode Kunst Kultursalon Café Showroom Atelier
10435 Berlin - Mitte
+49 (0)30 280.46.190
herzlich zum FriendlySociety FASHION-DAY ein:
12:00 geöffnet
15:00 GregOrMarvel - Club-Menswear & Cocktail Culture, Berlin & Ibiza
16:00 VILORIJA - Ready to Travel (Lady's Collection), Paris
17:00 JAAN by Moriz Jaan - seine erste FW Kollektion, Erfurt
+ Überraschungsgäste
Friendly Society
Mode Kunst Kultursalon Café Showroom Atelier
10435 Berlin - Mitte
Bringt gute Laune & support your local Dealer!
...es gibt wie immer etwas buntes zu FEIERN :-) :-) :-)
...es gibt wie immer etwas buntes zu FEIERN :-) :-) :-)

Make up (all train photos!): Vesna Lazarević Make Up
Hair stylist (all train photos!): Nemanja Neca

Models Natasa & Tijana Rajkovic in VILORIJA's Prêt-à-Voyager
Photographer: Mina Delić

Inspiration for using these 2 embroideries is eternal love of Fairy Tales.
They are inspired by embroidered trims from Paris,
which were used in the VILORIJA Blume collection
They are inspired by embroidered trims from Paris,
which were used in the VILORIJA Blume collection

Dear friends of fashion and art,
on Saturday, July 11, 2015, we invite you to Friendly Society FASHION DAY:
12:00 Open
15:00 GregOrMarvel - Club Menswear & Cocktail Culture, Berlin & Ibiza
16:00 VILORIJA - Ready to Travel (Lady's Collection), Paris
17:00 JAAN by Moriz Jaan - his first FW Collection, Erfurt
+ surprising live guests Ulrike Haller &
Friendly Society
Fashion Arts Culture Salon Café Showroom Studio
10435 Berlin - Mitte
Bring good mood & support your local dealer!
... There is always something colorful to celebrate :-) :-) :-)

Tijana Rajkovic wears VILORIJA's Prêt-à-Voyager 2015 * Photo by Mina Delić
Make up & Hair of all the train photos:
Make up: Vesna Lazarević Make Up
Hair stylist: Nemanja Neca
Milena Panić, Natasa, Nada Ilic & Tijana Rajkovic
Click Modna Agencija by Nenad Radujevic

Print pattern designed by Jelena Vujanovic / VILORIJA
Inspired by Dita Von Teese, her performance in Martini Glass in Crazy Horse Paris,
and by Iggy Pop's song "I Wanna Be Your Dog"
More VILORIJA Fashion in this blog:
Inspired by Dita Von Teese, her performance in Martini Glass in Crazy Horse Paris,
and by Iggy Pop's song "I Wanna Be Your Dog"
More VILORIJA Fashion in this blog:
Sonja Ruska & Me - VILORIJA Flowers in Volkspark am Weinbergsweg
The VILORIJA Blume Show
♥ First selfies by our wonderful Blume Models for VILORIJA Fashion ♥
The VILORIJA Blume Show
♥ First selfies by our wonderful Blume Models for VILORIJA Fashion ♥

Jovana Adam taking a rest on her car * Photo by Ivana Lilith Todorovic
Bis Samstag - See you Saturday!
Reisewarnung 2016 / Travel Warning 2016:
Bis Samstag - See you Saturday!
Reisewarnung 2016 / Travel Warning 2016:

Kein Urlaub in der Türkei unter Erdogan!
Mehr dazu hier / More about that here:
Diese Reisewarnung wurde nachträglich zu diesem Post hinzugefügt und steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit dessen schönem Inhalt. Sie ist nur wichtig.
This travel warning has been added later to this post and has no relation to its beautiful content. It's just important.
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