I love this dress!!! ♥
Eigentlich gibt es zwei Favoriten für diesen Titel, aber da ich selbst die Hauptdarstellerin in Näd Mikas wundervollem "Cassandra"-Video bin, fällt dieser aus dem Wettbewerb *lach*. Und ansonsten ist meine Wahl klar und eindeutig und der Pokal wandert nach Argentinien!
Endlessly stunning outfits: Designer Yan Xcess from YAN HATS ♥
In diesem feschen Musik-Video von PATOKAI sehen wir den versammelten Untergrund von Buenos Aires im 'Bandenkrieg' (die Ultras gegen die Frauen-Gang Bettys), den Electro-Künstler PATOKAI selbst, Models, Kleinkriminelle und Tänzer und nicht zuletzt atemberaubende Outfits argentinischer Mode-Designer*innen (wie VIBRADIOS und YAN HATS) und kinky und sexy Stylings (von Yan Xcess (YAN HATS), Make-Up von Tamara Stella und anderen) aus der offensichtlich sehr umtriebigen 'B.A. (Buenos Aires) Trash' Szene... ein Blockbuster!!! ♥
Außerdem ist es in Zeiten kapitalistischer
Dauer-'Krisen' gut zu wissen, dass die Fashionistas, Riot
Grrrls und Cyber-Punx aus Buenos Aires schon einmal
geübt haben, Überwachungskameras elegant aus dem Weg zu räumen... (^.^) Einfach nur wunderbar!!! ♥
Actually, there are two favourites for this title, but since I am the main actor in Näd Mika's wonderful "Cassandra"-Video myself, this one falls out of the competition *lol*. And apart from that my choice is clear and univocal and the cup and trophy goes to Argentina!
In this posh and smart music video from PATOKAI we see the assembled underground of Buenos Aires in a 'gang war' (the Ultras versus the women's gang of the Bettys), Electro artist PATOKAI himself, models, small-time criminals and dancers and not least breathtaking outfits by Argentinian fashion designers (like VIBRADIOS and YAN HATS) and kinky and sexy stylings (by Yan Xcess (YAN HATS), Make-Up by Tamara Stella and others) from the apparently very bustling 'B.A. (Buenos Aires) Trash' scene... a blockbuster!!! ♥
Furthermore, in times of permanent capitalist 'crisis', it's good to know that the fashionistas, riot grrrls and cyber punks from Buenos Aires once already have practiced to elegantly sweep monitoring cameras out of the way... (^.^) Simply wonderful!!! ♥
Actually, there are two favourites for this title, but since I am the main actor in Näd Mika's wonderful "Cassandra"-Video myself, this one falls out of the competition *lol*. And apart from that my choice is clear and univocal and the cup and trophy goes to Argentina!
Fishnet veiling ♥
In this posh and smart music video from PATOKAI we see the assembled underground of Buenos Aires in a 'gang war' (the Ultras versus the women's gang of the Bettys), Electro artist PATOKAI himself, models, small-time criminals and dancers and not least breathtaking outfits by Argentinian fashion designers (like VIBRADIOS and YAN HATS) and kinky and sexy stylings (by Yan Xcess (YAN HATS), Make-Up by Tamara Stella and others) from the apparently very bustling 'B.A. (Buenos Aires) Trash' scene... a blockbuster!!! ♥
Furthermore, in times of permanent capitalist 'crisis', it's good to know that the fashionistas, riot grrrls and cyber punks from Buenos Aires once already have practiced to elegantly sweep monitoring cameras out of the way... (^.^) Simply wonderful!!! ♥
The Betty Gang ♥
If you like to watch it on Vimeo:
Thanx to Tamara Stella and all the others involved in the making of the video.
This will be my motto for 2015! (^.^) ♥
Mit diesem Video verabschiede ich mich für 2014, wünsche Euch ein wunderbares Silvester und einen guten Start ins Neue Jahr! Lasst die Sektkorken knallen!!!
Love & glamorous Kisses!
With this video I say goodbye to 2014, wish you a wonderful New Years Eve and a good start into the New Year! Let the champagne corks pop!!!
Love & glamorous Kisses!
Buenos Aires / Argentinien
electroclash / synthpunk / futurepop
Buenos Aires / Argentinien
electroclash / synthpunk / futurepop
Buenos Aires / Argentina
Avant-garde Headwear Couture •••Shelter of a curious mind•••
Avant-garde Headwear Couture •••Shelter of a curious mind•••
Buenos Aires / Argentinien
Clothing - Arts - Jewelry - Accessories
Investigación y manipulación de la superficie textil es la misión.
Clothing - Arts - Jewelry - Accessories
Investigación y manipulación de la superficie textil es la misión.
Thanx to Tamara Stella and all the others involved in the making of the video.
Mit diesem Video verabschiede ich mich für 2014, wünsche Euch ein wunderbares Silvester und einen guten Start ins Neue Jahr! Lasst die Sektkorken knallen!!!
Love & glamorous Kisses!
With this video I say goodbye to 2014, wish you a wonderful New Years Eve and a good start into the New Year! Let the champagne corks pop!!!
Love & glamorous Kisses!
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