In winter clocks tick slowly, reminding the heart why it doesn't like negotiations.
Winter is the architect of love.

Text & Woman in the snow by/via Twitter @ChristaHarding. Snowy landscape via Twitter @petravdhulst.
Third photo: Pedestrian Bridge - Osijek, Croatia (forgot to note the source, sorry!).

Vulpes lagopus: Polarfuchs (auch als Eisfuchs bekannt) im 'Winterdress'
Arctic Fox aka White Fox, Snow Fox or Polar Fox in its 'winter dress'
Photo via @JessicaDT09
Actually I liked the charming and quite smooth blending from fall to spring here in Berlin as I can forgo winter quite well, but after it turned cold and uncomfortable in the last time anyway it was high time for snow! The NYE fireworks this year especially got on my nerves, since I don't get anything out of the preference of some people for mostly rather machistic 'war games', generally, and in particular in the last time. In contrast I love the silence and calmness affiliated with snow. It's so delightfully quiet, even the cars on the street are driving at walking pace at last hehe... Simply enchanting!

Fred Stein - Embrace, 1934
via @MaraRiv2
Tief im Wald
Deep in the woods

via @m_yosry2012
Ich liebe dieses Photo... es trifft ganz meine Stimmung... wunderschön!
I love this photo... it's just according to my mood... beautiful!
Sprach- & Naturkunde (Abteilung Gender):
Schon gewusst?
Schon gewusst?
* Capreolus capreolus (was für ein charmanter Name!) **Cervus elaphus
sondern eine eigene Hirschart mit Weibchen (Ricke) und Männchen (Rehbock)
... und ich habe Stunden gebraucht, um dieses 'Mistvieh' links unten zu bestimmen...
Ich glaube, es ist ein Weißwedelhirsch, quasi der Vater von Bambi! (^.^)
Denn weil es in Nordamerika keine Rehe gibt (!), hat Disney das Rehkitz aus der Romanvorlage in der Verfilmung durch ein Kalb (so heißen die Jungen der Weißwedelhirsche; bei STYLE! IT! TAKES! lernen wir nie aus! ♥) der regionalen Hirschart ersetzt...
Philology & Natural History (Department of Gender):
Did you know?
In German there is some kind of linguistic, zoological & gender confusion about various types of deer, suggesting a female roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, what a charming name!) is the 'wife' of the male red deer (Cervus elaphus)...*lol*. On the other hand, Disney changed the young roe deer of the Bambi novel into a white-tailed deer in the movie as roe deer are existing in Europe, but not in North America (we never stop learning at STYLE! IT! TAKES! ♥).
... and it took me hours to identify this 'damned' deer left below as a white-tailed deer, not indigenous in Europe...
Did you know?
In German there is some kind of linguistic, zoological & gender confusion about various types of deer, suggesting a female roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, what a charming name!) is the 'wife' of the male red deer (Cervus elaphus)...*lol*. On the other hand, Disney changed the young roe deer of the Bambi novel into a white-tailed deer in the movie as roe deer are existing in Europe, but not in North America (we never stop learning at STYLE! IT! TAKES! ♥).
... and it took me hours to identify this 'damned' deer left below as a white-tailed deer, not indigenous in Europe...

Good morning Twitterworld ❄ (Marie @pintsize73)
Odocoileus virginianus:
Male white-tailed deer - Männlicher Weißwedelhirsch
Photo by Michael Higgins, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (via Twitter)
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep...

Text by & Photo via @belkacemi
In Asien
In Asia

in Shiba"
Snow at Zojoji Temple, Shiba by Kawase Hasui #woodcut #print
via @MaraRiv2

Ailuropoda melanoleuca:
Zwei Panda-Bären (Großer Panda, Riesenpanda, Bambusbär) im Schnee
Es gibt nur noch 1.864 frei in China lebende (2015) plus 49 außerhalb Chinas in Zoos lebende Exemplare (2014)! Der letzte Bambusbär in einem europäischen Zoo, "Bao Bao", starb 2012 in Berlin. Er wurde 34 Jahre alt, ein recht stattliches Alter.
~ Pic via @Valeria20june ~
~ Pic via @Valeria20june ~
Two Giant Panda Bears in the snow
There are only 1.864 Giant Pandas living in the wild in China (2015) plus 49 living in zoos outside of China (2014)! The last Giant Panda in an European zoo, "Bao Bao", died in Berlin in 2012. He became 34-years old (which is a lot).
There are only 1.864 Giant Pandas living in the wild in China (2015) plus 49 living in zoos outside of China (2014)! The last Giant Panda in an European zoo, "Bao Bao", died in Berlin in 2012. He became 34-years old (which is a lot).
In der Mode
In Fashion

I love this look!
#white #winter #coat #fashion #pumps #leather #gloves
Pic via @ViktorMochalin
Icing sugar

❄ #blue #boat in #winter #snow #icingsugar ❄ "#Awesome ;)" ❄
Pic via @JessicaDT09

Winter Pattern

❄❄ snow crystal cookie ❄❄ #Cooking with my cute niece ❄❄
Text & pic via @LilydeFees
Auf zur Schneeballschlacht!
Towards the snowball fight!

Lustige #Schneebälle ❄ #funny #snowballs
Pic via @petravdhulst

Kleine Mädchen im Schnee ❄ Little girls in the snow
Left pic via @JessicaDT09, right pic via @petravdhulst

Lustiger #Schneemann mit Schaukel ❄ Funny #snowman with swing
Pic via @petravdhulst

Robert Doisneau - Boules de neige au Pont des Arts - PARIS - 1945
via @MaraRiv2
❄ Noch mehr Schnee in: ❄ Even more snow in: ❄
Girls & Horses (Dez 2015)
Winter Stays (April 2013)

♥ ... und sogar in allen Teilen Kurdistans ♥
"snow everywhere in every part of Kurdistan, here in Piranshar (east)"
Text & Photo via @cahitstorm (2 Jan 2016)
... und draußen in Berlin!
... and outside in Berlin!
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