by Agnė Biskytė (BIS
Photo by Agnė Biskytė
[gepostet am 21. Sept. 2014, aufgrund technischer Probleme mit dem Blog-Archiv auf Oktober verschoben /
posted on 21st of Sept. 2014, postponed to October due to technical problems with the blog archive]
Eine zeitlang habe ich bei den Planungen für die letzte STYLE! IT! TAKES! in der PANKE darüber nachgedacht, ob ich wieder das Stichwort "Arts (Kunst)" zu unserem Untertitel "Fashion, Performances & Music" hinzufügen soll - Ideen und Möglichkeiten hätte es genug gegeben. Am Ende habe ich mich dazu entschieden, es wegzulassen, da es als zu viel Arbeit erschien, wieder eine Kunstausstellung wie erstmals im Januar in der Urban Spree Galerie bei unserer edition number # 4 zu organisieren - und unser Programm war auch schon wieder so voll...
Bis Inka und ich eines Tages während eines organisatorischen Besuches im PANKE Club diese wundervolle Frau trafen: Kuratorinnen-Kollegin Asta Labžentytė aus Litauen... Sie organisierte dort gerade eine Kunst & Mode Ausstellung mit acht Litauischen Designer*innen - genau wie wir für die Berlin Fashion Week. Also beschlossen wir, uns zusammen zu tun und - obwohl die Zeit für uns beide sehr kurz war während dieser stressigen Tage - ihre großartige Ausstellung mit dem schönen Titel "Unicorn is in the box / Einhorn ist in der Box" und unser fünftes STYLE! IT! TAKES! Event "Gärten der Lüste" am 12. Juli 2014 zu teilen. Höchste Zeit für ein Tribute an Asta und ihre tolle Ausstellung!!! ♥♥♥

Curator Asta Labžentytė (left) planning her exhibition @ PANKE Club / Berlin - Wedding
Photo by Robert Muravskij
Planning the last STYLE! IT! TAKES! event at PANKE club, for some time I thought about whether adding the point "Arts" to our subtitle "Fashion, Performances & Music" again - there have been enough ideas and possibilities for that. In the end I decided to leave it out, since it seemed too much work to organize an art exhibition again like for the first time in January at Urban Spree Gallery at our edition number # 4 - and our programme was so full again already...
Till, one day during an organisational visit in PANKE Club, Inka and me met this wonderful woman: fellow curator Asta Labžentytė from Lithuania... She was just organizing an arts & fashion exhibition there with eight Lithuanian designers - just like us for Berlin Fashion Week. So we decided to join forces and - though time was short for both of us during these stressy days - we shared her great exhibition with the beautiful title "Unicorn is in the box" and our fifth STYLE! IT! TAKES! event "Gardens of Desire" on 12th of July 2014. High time for a tribute to Asta and her terrific exhibition!!! ♥♥♥

Endless skies of possibilities... daytime sky of PANKE Club Yard (Berlin-Wedding) :-)
wonderfully photographed by Robert Muravskij

Teilnehmende Designer*innen / Participating designers:
Vidmina Stasiulytė, Rūta Zlatkauskienė, Agnė Biskytė (BIS
A BIS), Jurga Sutkutė, Benas Bogušas, Rūta Sakalauskaitė (beleberda), Aneta
Mackonytė, Kristina Valančiūtė.
Kuratorin / Curator:
Kuratorin / Curator:
Asta Labžentytė
Der außerordentlich schöne Ausstellungskatalog /
The extraordinarily beautiful exhibition catalogue online:

Ein paar schöne Gedanken zum Verhältnis von Mode (-Design) und Welt / Gesellschaft / Individuum, ausgewählte Ausstellungs-Bestandtteile und einige ihrer Interaktionen mit unserem Event möchte ich Euch nicht vorenthalten... ♥
Some beautiful thoughts about the relation of fashion (design) and world / society / individual, selected parts of the exhibition and some of their interactions with our event I don't want to keep back from you... ♥
(much more than) A colourful start...
Just a part of Aneta Mackonytė's interactive, ritualistic performance project "m. a. p." (2014),
which raises questions of sustainability and the relations of fashion, clothing, human beings and earth
- a possibility for dreams to come true...
which raises questions of sustainability and the relations of fashion, clothing, human beings and earth
- a possibility for dreams to come true...
Photo: Unicorn Is In The Box Promo Pic
Q: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Aneta: Breathe.
Q: What is the dearest or the most important thing on earth?
Aneta: The Earth.
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Aneta: Perhaps the egg - our planet and everything what's within.
Aneta: Breathe.
Q: What is the dearest or the most important thing on earth?
Aneta: The Earth.
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Aneta: Perhaps the egg - our planet and everything what's within.
(excerpts from the interviews in the catalogue.
Every designer/artist has been asked the same 30 questions - nice idea!)
Our performer MISTRESS WANDA aka Nini van Deering in the PANKE Club Garden earlier in the afternoon
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 with this times' topic "Gärten der Lüste / Gardens of Desire"
Photo by House of Rough Arts
Grün und bunt begann auch unsere schöne Feier... ♥
Also our beautiful 'feast' started green and colourful... ♥
Audience snapshots of the VILORIJA Fashion Show ("Blume" (flower) collection)
Berlin Fashion Week, 12th of July 2014 at PANKE Club Wedding
Photos by Frau Jünger (left) & Beatrix P. (right)
Forms and transitions...
... und für unsere Gäste blieb ein Großteil der Ausstellung, die über die Woche hinweg in der PANKE zu sehen war, erfreulicherweise auch bei unserer Veranstaltung präsent. Hier die Installation "(UNI)FORM - (MULTI)FORM" von Benas Bogušas im Konzertraum zu Zeiten des Soundchecks am Nachmittag, die vor Show-Beginn dann allerdings teilweise abgebaut werden musste, um mehr Platz für das Publikum zu schaffen. Aber es passte gut, denn mit der Installation erkundet Mode-Schöpfer Benas Bogušas...
... and a large part of the exhibition - which was to be seen over the week in the PANKE - fortunately stayed present for our guests also at our event. Here the installation "(UNI)FORM - (MULTI)FORM" by Benas Bogušas in the concert room at times of the soundcheck in the afternoon, which nevertheless had to be partly removed then before stage time in order to achieve more space for the audience. But it suited fine, since with this installation, fashion designer Benas Bogušas analyses...
"the links between a creative personality and the world around him/her. Having employed a cube as a geometrical form and a symbol of a reserved personality, the author manipulates its integrity. When dividing and transforming its rigid form, (...) Bogušas alters the structure of the cube as well as the colours and number of its sides to expose both the process of transformation and the transition between the dark and the light, closure and exposure."
(all quotes from the catalogue)
Part of the work ""(UNI)FORM - (MULTI)FORM" by Benas Bogušas
What appears here like some kind of oversized coats, a super big shirt or a black swing originally all have been black & white coloured cubes of fabric, newly folded and arranged by the artist / designer.
Beside this conceptual work, Benas is also a great women's fashion designer.
What appears here like some kind of oversized coats, a super big shirt or a black swing originally all have been black & white coloured cubes of fabric, newly folded and arranged by the artist / designer.
Beside this conceptual work, Benas is also a great women's fashion designer.
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5, PANKE Club (concert room) / Berlin - Wedding
Photo by House of Rough Arts
Q: How do you describe designer's profession?
Benas: Unsolvable puzzle.
Q: Is it difficult to create?
Benas: It is, yet when creating one is improving. This process is endless.
Q: What is an outfit for a person?
Benas: It's like feathers for a bird.
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Benas: Unsolvable puzzle.
Q: Is it difficult to create?
Benas: It is, yet when creating one is improving. This process is endless.
Q: What is an outfit for a person?
Benas: It's like feathers for a bird.
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Benas: The chicken.
Boris from THE WINGS OF DESIRE during his concert,
a part of the next installation mentioned appears like a hood...
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5, PANKE Club / Berlin - Wedding
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5, PANKE Club / Berlin - Wedding
Photo by House of Rough Arts
A knight and a butterfly meet the unicorn

Parts of Vidmina Stasiulytės work "Genome of the universe" @ PANKE Club...
Photo by Robert Muravskij
Vidmina Stasiulytės Arbeit "Genome of the universe" hingegen konnte bleiben und bildete während der Live-Konzerte von THE WINGS OF DESIRE and PATOKAI eine perfekte Kulisse. Gerade bei dem Konzert des argentinischen Cyber-Ritters, Future-Punks & Sci-Fi-Fans PATOKAI passte die kosmische Thematik perfekt!
"Based on scientific space explorations, the artwork (...) examines the phenomenon of the origins as well as the structure of micro (a human) and macro (the universe) worlds."
Vidmina Stasiulytė's work "Genome of the universe" however could stay and provided a perfect scenery during the live concerts of THE WINGS OF DESIRE and PATOKAI. Especially for the concert of Argentinian cyber knight, future punk & sci-fi fan PATOKAI the cosmic topic suited perfectly!
Q: If I wasn't a designer, I would be...
Vidmina: A teacher/professor or an astronaut.
Q: What is fashion for you?
Vidmina: Something that will always generate public interest.
Q: How will a human look like in 2100?
Vidmina: Possessing wider eyes and a bigger heart.
Q: What is the most unpleasant question?
Vidmina: So when are you getting married? (smiles)
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Vidmina: A teacher/professor or an astronaut.
Q: What is fashion for you?
Vidmina: Something that will always generate public interest.
Q: How will a human look like in 2100?
Vidmina: Possessing wider eyes and a bigger heart.
Q: What is the most unpleasant question?
Vidmina: So when are you getting married? (smiles)
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Vidmina: The rooster.
... came into focus during our live concerts
(here PATOKAI playing live at our event)...
Photo by House of Rough Arts
Vidmina Stasiulytės fascinating and beautiful top (left), the table fabric, the technics and PATOKAI's wonderful VIBRADIOS outfit interacted wonderfully in the stage light and photographer's view...
Photo by Fotania

EN FINSTERNIS with her gorgeous YAN HATS fascinator and black V I A N dress dancing to PATOKAI live
Photo by Fotania
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5, Berlin Fashion Week, 12th of July, PANKE Club / Wedding
Taking off... and flying away... ♥Photo by Fotania
Blume (flower) meets unicorn

Kristina Valančiūtė - Part of the installation "Evolution" (2012-14)
@ Panke Club Berlin
Photo by Robert Muravskij
@ Panke Club Berlin
Photo by Robert Muravskij
"Evolution" demonstrates the author's efforts to design both emotionally and visually strong and shocking costumes which can be transformed into an extraordinary part of one's wardrobe worn daily if additional details (...) are removed."
Q: When creating, do you ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?"
Kristina: Nearly every time. This question lurks in my mind until I find reasonable arguments and answers.
Q: What is an outfit for a person?
Firstly, it's a means of protection against different climatic conditions.
Secondly, it's a body disguise.
Thirdly, it's a way of self-expression.
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Kristina: Nearly every time. This question lurks in my mind until I find reasonable arguments and answers.
Q: What is an outfit for a person?
Firstly, it's a means of protection against different climatic conditions.
Secondly, it's a body disguise.
Thirdly, it's a way of self-expression.
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Kristina: The feathered egg.
Auch unsere VILORIJA Models ("Blume" Kollektion) hatten ihre Freude, die Ausstellung zu erkunden und verloren sich in den Video-Projektionen neben der Installation "Evolution" von Kristina Valančiūtė... ♥
Our VILORIJA models ("Blume" collection) had their joy to explore the exhibition, too, and got lost in the video projections next to the installation "Evolution" by Kristina Valančiūtė... ♥
VILORIJA Blume model Sonja Ruska in the Purple Blume Dress exploring the installation
Photo by Beatrix P.
VILORIJA Blume model Tingting Wu flickering in the Blue Blume Dress
Photo by Beatrix P.
... and the Red Blume lost in space...
Photo by Beatrix P.
VILORIJA Blume model Kelly in the Red Blume Dress with her sister
Photo by Beatrix P.
... and her mother
Photo by Beatrix P.
Emancipated future
Night time sky of PANKE Club Yard (Berlin-Wedding), photographed by Robert Muravskij

Und auch die letzte Installation (von Agnė Biskytė), die ich Euch vorstellen möchte, passte thematisch wunderbar zu STYLE! IT! TAKES! ♥
And also the last installation (by Agnė Biskytė) I want to introduce to you thematically suited wonderful to STYLE! IT! TAKES! ♥
BON TON - EMANCIPATION thrives with iconic symbols of visual culture. Some of them might remind a viewer of a famous scene from the film The Seven Year Itch (1955) directed by Billy Wilder, where Marilyn Monroe is shown laughing as the wind blows up the dress and uncovers her legs. The others might recall a song named Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend from the musical Gentlemen Prefer Blondes as they look at the crystallized show soles. This work invites its viewers to reflect upon the dominating standards and symbols of beauty, femininity and masculinity as well as their meanings and representations that are heavily exploited by today's modern culture."
Installation BON TON - EMANCIPATION by Agnė Biskytė (BIS
during our STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 party @ Panke Club Bar
Mobile photo by Milena Milena
Q: Why fashion?
Original photo by FotaniaMobile photo by Milena Milena
Q: Why fashion?
Agnė: ...as fashion is eternal by its temporality...
Q: What is the dearest or the most important thing on earth?
Agnė: Love
Q: Is there something you would never wear?
Agnė: ...something I don't like...
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Q: What is the dearest or the most important thing on earth?
Agnė: Love
Q: Is there something you would never wear?
Agnė: ...something I don't like...
Q: The chicken or the egg?
Agnė: God (smiles)
Ich mochte sie am allerliebsten von allen - und wie immer spielte dieses Themenfeld auch in unseren Shows eine Rolle, zum Beispiel in der provokativen Performance von Tänzerin ANITA zu PATOKAIs 'Emanzipations-Lied' "Infinitive". Sie trug ein Hochzeitskleid von Designerin SCHRÜPPE McINTOSH, das an eine Zwangsjacke angelehnt war... ♥
I loved it the very most of all - and like always this topic area played a role in our shows, for example in dancer ANITA's provocative performance to PATOKAI's 'emancipation song' "Infinitive". She wore a Wedding dress by designer SCHRÜPPE McINTOSH which based on a straitjacket...♥
I loved it the very most of all - and like always this topic area played a role in our shows, for example in dancer ANITA's provocative performance to PATOKAI's 'emancipation song' "Infinitive". She wore a Wedding dress by designer SCHRÜPPE McINTOSH which based on a straitjacket...♥

ANITA performs in a Wedding dress straitjacket
by conceptual Berlin designer SCHRÜPPE McINTOSH
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5, Berlin Fashion Week, 12th of July, PANKE Club / Wedding
(turned to black & white, cut-out)
(much more than) Pretty Legs
Men's fashion designer, long-time STYLE! IT! TAKES! supporter & doors team helper Jenny from KNOTH KOUTURE dressed up and looked so beautiful in her skin-coloured tights in the nightly PANKE yard!
Photo by House of Rough Arts
Das alles ist natürlich nur ein Teil von dem, worum es in Astas Ausstellung und bei meinem Projekt geht oder ging. Ihr seid herzlich willkommen, den oben verlinkten Einhorn (Online-)Katalog und meine Seite hier anzuschauen, um mehr zu erfahren und zu sehen... STYLE! IT! TAKES! hat auch ein Manifest - schon gelesen?
This, of course, is only a part of what both Asta's exhibition and my project are or have been about. You are heartly welcome to check out the unicorn (online-)catalogue linked above and my page here to learn and see more... STYLE! IT! TAKES! also has a Manifesto - did you already read?
Also beautiful dancer EN FINSTERNIS posed with bare legs in the nightly yard of Panke Club
Photo by House of Rough Arts
Ich aber möchte mich vor allem bei Asta und allen bedanken, die Teil dieser staunenswerten Kooperationen, Reisen und Begegnungen waren...
But above all, I want to thank Asta and everybody who has been part of this amazing cooperations, journeys and encounters...
Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Detail of the installation BON TON - EMANCIPATION
by Agnė Biskytė (BIS
Photo by Agnė Biskytė
Da es eine offene Frage ist, wie wir unsere Aktivitäten fortsetzen (können), freuen wir uns alle sehr über Eure Hilfe. ♥ Im Moment brauchen wir neben Likes und Followern zum Beispiel Eure Unterstützung, um mit einer Schwarmfinanzierungs-Kampagne (20. Sept. bis 19. Nov. 2014) eine neue, schöne VILORIJA Kollektion zu ermöglichen. Bitte schaut Euch diesen feinen, STYLE! IT! TAKES! Projekt bezogenen Artikel an - jede noch so kleine Spende wird dabei helfen, die bezaubernde modisch-künstlerische Welt von VILORIJA (und damit auch uns) am Leben zu erhalten!!! 3 Euro für die Schönheit müssten doch drin sein! (schreibt gerne ne Mail, sollte es Probleme mit den Zahlungsmöglichkeiten geben) ♥
Since it is an open question how we (can) continue our activities, we all are happy about your help. ♥ For example at the moment, beside likes and followers, we need your support for the crowd funding campaign (20th of Sept. till 19th of Nov. 2014) to make a new, beautiful collection of
VILORIJA Fashion possible. Please check out this nice, STYLE! IT! TAKES! project related article - every little donation will help to keep
the wonderful fashion and arts world of VILORIJA running (and with this also us)!!! 5 Dollars for the beauty should be possible! (you are welcome to write a mail if there are any problems with the payment) ♥
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