While preparations for STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 4 at Berlin Fashion Week in January 2014 are running already, more and more reviews of and links to our project are being published. Last January film director Arthur Paul Heisler accompanied our dancer MARLENE VON STEENVAG at STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2 with his camera, from her flat and her journey to the venue to beautiful scenes in the small backstage-room to her gorgeous performances on our stage at Grüner Salon der Volksbühne at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, where our event happened that time. Out of these wonderful scenes and with music of the R & B act BEΛR//FVCE from Northern Ireland Arthur has created a video, which is just as glamorous as that evening and the artist herself. In the backstage-room you can also see our artist Nora Below, fashion designer Gregor Marvel and Tommy Dollar (Thomas Dellert Dellacroix) for a very short time. What an amazingly beautiful video!!! ♥
Während bereits die Vorbereitungen für STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 4 zur Berlin Fashion Week im Januar 2014 laufen, erscheinen immer wieder neue Rückblicke und Verweise auf unser Projekt. Der Filmer Arthur Paul Heisler hat unsere Tänzerin MARLENE VON STEENVAG vergangenen Januar bei STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2 mit seiner Kamera begleitet, von ihrer Wohnung über die Anfahrt bis hin zu schönen Szenen im kleinen Backstage-Raum und ihren großartigen Auftritten auf unserer Bühne im Grünen Salon der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, wo die Veranstaltung damals stattfand. Aus diesen wunderschönen Aufnahmen hat Arthur zu Musik des nordirischen R & B-Acts BEΛR//FVCE ein Video zusammengestellt, welches genauso glamourös ist wie der damalige Abend und die Künsterin selbst. Im Backstage-Raum sind auch kurz unsere Künstlerin Nora Below, der Mode-Designer Gregor Marvel und Tommy Dollar (Thomas Dellert Dellacroix) zu sehen. Was für ein wunderschönes Video!!! ♥
from Arthur Paul Heisler on Vimeo.
Inofficial music video
STYLE.DE (VOGUE PARTNER SITE) recommendation for STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Berlin Fashion Week, January 2013 (photo by Paul Green)
Berlin Fashion Week, January 2013 (photo by Paul Green)
Germany's most glamorous Burlesque Artist
performing Fashion Design byhttp://marlene-von-steenvag.de/
Custom Corsets and Handmade Couture in Berlin
Custom Corsets and Handmade Couture in Berlin
@ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2 (18. Jan. 2013) (photo by Lux Artifex)
More about MARLENE VON STEENVAG in this blog:
Photos by Lux Artifex / Atelier 'et Lux' of MARLENE VON STEENVAG * Opium & Bondage @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Photos by Jarka Snajberk of MARLENE VON STEENVAG * Opium & Bondage @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Video-Cuts by Robert Stefan of MARLENE VON STEENVAG * Bird Of Paradise / Opium & Bondage @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Video-Cuts by Martin Fürstenberg / Platyn Filmproduction of MARLENE VON STEENVAG * Bird Of Paradise @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Photos by Lux Artifex / Atelier 'et Lux' of MARLENE VON STEENVAG performing MISS MOSS CORSETS * Bird of Paradise @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Photos by Jarka Snajberk of MARLENE VON STEENVAG * Bird of Paradise @ STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 2
Gallery with beautiful pictures of MARLENE VON STEENVAG
I love corsets, I don't have enough of them.
Thanx Avy, me too! (^.^)