den Hot Wave von THE WINGS OF DESIRE!!!
I'm very happy to announce that the first live act performing at STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5 is confirmed: THE WINGS OF DESIRE play Hot Wave!!!
"Misanthrope" - not a typical, but a great song from THE WINGS OF DESIRE
Das enorm vielseitige 'Post-Punk'-Projekt von Boris K., einem aus Israel stammenden, wunderbar androgynen und modisch sehr wandlungsfähigen Neu-Berliner, vereint
verschiedenste musikalische Einflüsse. "Planets" klingt fast wie ein
düsterer Reggae mit deutlichen Dub-Einflüssen (Boris schrieb mir, er sei ein großer Fan von Legenden wie Portishead und dem jamaikanischen Toningenieur King Tubby) und könnte irgendwie auch
von den Talking Heads sein, das quirlige Tanz-Stück "Dead Town" ist New Wave im besten Sinne des Wortes und ein wunderschöner Ohrwurm, der mich immer zum Mitsingen ermuntert, "Illumination" ist harter, noisiger Rock'n'Roll irgendwo zwischen Gun Club und The Cramps, an die auch "Outside" ein wenig erinnert, "Misanthrope" ist ein langsamer, elegischer und sehr dramatischer Song, der auch Nick Cave gut zu Gesichte stehen würde und einen immer mehr in seinen Bann zieht. Hört am besten selbst rein, es lohnt sich wirklich! Selbst wenn ein Stück nicht so gefallen sollte, jeder Song hat seinen ureigenen Stil wie mensch es nur selten hört...
Auf Facebook könnt Ihr Euch während des Lesens und Betrachtens der tollen Photos hier zwei weitere Favoriten von mir anhören (öffnen in neuem Tab)...Dead Town und Planets...
Boris wears lipstick and beautiful jewelry live at KingKongKlub / Berlin (22th of January 2014)...
The very multi-shaded 'post-punk' project by Boris K.,
a wonderfully androgynous and in terms of fashion very versatile
Berlin-Newcomer, originally from Israel, unites many different musical
influences. "Planets" even sounds a bit like a dark Reggae with strong
Dub influences (Boris wrote to me, he's a big fan of legends like Portishead and the Jamaican sound engineer King Tubby) and somehow could also be from the Talking Heads,
the feisty dance number "Dead Town"
is New Wave in the best sense of the word and a wonderful earcatcher
always encouraging me to sing along, "Illumination" is hard,
noisy Rock'n'Roll somewhere between Gun Club and The Cramps, of whom also "Outside" reminds a bit, "Misanthrope" is a slow, elegiac and very dramatic song, which Nick Cave
might have liked to sing, too, fascinating more and more while listening.
Best you listen to it yourself, it's worth it totally! Even if you
don't like one song that much, every single one has it's very own style,
something which elsewhere happens rarely...
On Facebook you can listen to two of my other favourites (open in new tab) while continue reading and watching the gorgeous photos here...Dead Town and Planets...
... combined with a suit jacket...
...partly performing topless in a mini-skirt, strap-on stockings and boots...
...partly performing topless in a mini-skirt, strap-on stockings and boots...
"I'm pleased and excited to introduce to you the new member of The Wings
Of Desire, her name is Veni De Milo and she will take part in all the future
live performances of the band."
STYLE! IT! TAKES! loves Veni!!! ;-) ♥
STYLE! IT! TAKES! loves Veni!!! ;-) ♥
Boris wearing a nice coat * Haifa, Israel, 2012
Live in a chic dotted blouse (@ Lauschangriff 30/11 2013)
Nails painted black playing the acoustic guitar (@ Lauschangriff / Berlin)
The dark side: shadowed and made up reminding a bit of Lou Reed in the Transformer period
(live in Israel, May 2012)
(live in Israel, May 2012)
Leather collar and leather jacket emphasize the rougher side (live in Israel, May 2012)
A triangle painted on the forehead playing the electric guitar like a dervish
(live in Israel, May 2012)
(live in Israel, May 2012)
left: live in Israel May 2012 * right: live March 2012
Boris wearing a white blouse and a studded belt (Live @ Reality Rehab Center in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 22 / 6 / 2012)
"So that´s actually The Wings Of Desire today - a
mixture of post punk and wave with dub, psychedelia and more and more - i
call it Hot-Wave (as the opposite to cold wave)."
(Boris about his gorgeous music)
There's a legend about the band saying, Junkyard+The Wings of Desire were originally a post-punk band formed already 1982 in Berlin by Boris K, D.H Lowrence and Tom Alesis.
"The band recorded only one demo until their break-up in 1984. In November 2011 Boris decided to revive the band."
Sounds somehow interesting and mysterious! (^.^) ;-)
Welcome to the Junkyard 2012
Boris at the abandoned Berlin airport Tempelhof 2013
Veni De Milo & Boris wearing a long skirt live in Berlin at Supersonic 15/11/2013
Logo of The Wings Of Desire, designed by EN Finsternis
Selbstbeschreibungen * The band describes itself:
"The Wings Of Desire is merely a boat floating on the ever coming waters
of emptiness and self loss. Not matching in any category before it was
mainstream. A voice rising up from mute depths of fashionable
facelessness. A piece of throbbing love which will find an echo in every
heart. A splinter of loneliness which dwells in every pair of eyes. An audible despair that mirrors every face looking at it."
"Started at 2012 as Junkyard + The Wings Of Desire. Record of the EP "Underground Tapes" in a mood of early gothic post-punk. The very name kinda exposed the influences which i had then - Junkyard was the second album by The Birthday Party - a band that i totally adored, The Wings Of Desire - is a movie that i might say changed my life and the combination of them with the plus sign was a nod towards another band i like - Crime + The City Solution."
(Boris about the bands name(s)...)
"Speaking of directions, from now on the musical style of The Wings Of
Desire will be described as "Hot Wave" since it's rooted
mostly in the Post-Punk and Wave music but doesn't take as a goal being
purposely cold and emotionless, on the contrary it will try as much as it is
possible embrace the passionate side of music in this way being so to speak an
opposite of Cold Wave."
(Boris on the term 'Hot Wave', August
“This music cannot be described as goth in any way but it certainly has some dark side which i always considered as very attractive in music without being it's key component. Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Pink Floyd, Portishead, Peter Hammill, the slow heavy blues pieces of Led Zeppelin or Janis Joplin, Roy Harper, Robert Wyatt - all these authors have made music which had the same kind of influence on me and to which i felt connected as much as to the works of
The Cure, Bauhaus, Joy Division or Siouxsie.”
The Cure, Bauhaus, Joy Division or Siouxsie.”
(Boris on his influences, 2013)
So now everybody (including us!!!) is excited, which fashion designer will make it to dress up The Wings Of Desire at STYLE! IT! TAKES! # 5!!!
As Junkyard + The Wings Of Desire:
May 2012 - CD "Underground Tapes" - mini E.P, released on afmusic
As The Wings Of Desire:
January 2013 - CD "For Distant Friends" - E.P, released on afmusic
Photo Credits:
3x live@ KingKongKlub 2014 by
Kris van der Gragt
Kris van der Gragt
all other photos, photo-edit of the last picture, design of the band logo & make-up of Boris by
EN Finsternis
Latest news: Just recently in 2014, Nitzan Rimon joined the band - a great guitar player, a rock legend from Tel Aviv of the 90´s and currently the guitar player of the dream pop band Sophya. Also, there will be a dance performance during the show by gorgeous EN Finsternis!!! ♥
We are mesmerized what will happen when...
will fashion model and perform live during Berlin Fashion Week at
Summer Dream of Fashion, Performances, Arts & Music
Panke (Club & Garden)
Gerichtsstraße 23 - Berlin Wedding
Saturday, 12th of July 2014
Summer Dream of Fashion, Performances, Arts & Music
Panke (Club & Garden)
Gerichtsstraße 23 - Berlin Wedding
Saturday, 12th of July 2014
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